I think you should add a rule about refreshing before you post??
Sorry. After I saw Mac's post, I tried to delete mine but was unsuccessful. What do you mean by refresh? OK I just clicked on Refresh, but it's slow, someone could easily reply while I'm submitting this. Any advice?
oh - yeah - a dial-up might ten to slow things down a little. I was thinking refresh the browser when you are ready to post your work.
I know for one I usually think a few minuutes while I scribble then. When I forget to refresh many times there has already been a post.
Husker: I understand your point, although it is a situation that I believe is unavoidable and does involve a bit of luck on the timing of one's post.
Cross-posting is inevitable in this format, so first-come-first-served has to be the overriding factor in the end.
Anyhow, on with the game. Can anyone add to A Q U A S ?
Husker: I scroll down before I submit my reply to be sure another reply hasn't been posted, but I do have dial-up and it is slow. I think I better move on to the slower games.

Thank you.
Raggedyaggie - please stay around - my bad.. just good intentions
Husker - Thank you. I know your intentions were
good. I need all the advice that's available.
QUASARS is the word size-limit.
ASTERISMS is the word size-limit.