godhellup you.
I could be less interested (you know me) but wish you forward.
Carry on smart.
You can do it, you are doing it. Go, Jes...
jespah wrote:
Heh, thanks. I'm writing dystopic sci fi.
You picked the right topic for speed writing.
Better to spend a month thinking about dystopic sci fi, than to spend a year thinking about a dystopic future world.
Get in and out in 4-5 weeks.
Day eight: 3,883 words. Total: 28,888.
57% done.
Day nine: 3,774 words. Total: 32,662.
65.3% done.
you're on pace to submit two novels...
Pretty much. Actually, I want to hit 50k and then leave it for a while, then edit, so it doesn't end up just being a spew o' words.
good luck.
you're gonna let us read it, yes...?
Actually, I need to find out if posting it online anywhere will tank any chance I have of getting it published.
That makes sense, though after it's all over (years may go by) I/we are still interested.
I wonder if there are short story contests. I suppose there are hundreds if not thousands of contests - I'm thinking of Johnboy, raconteur; also of EdgarB, and our poet, Jorge. Short stories seem to be attracting new interest after years of dullardness, it's the way of it. Jespah, of course. But I'm forgetting people, don't be offended.
we can wait until you publish it.
me and stinky, anyways...
Aw, thanks.
Day ten: 3,785 words. Total: 36,447.
73% done.
Day eleven: 3,800 words. Total: 40,247.
80.5% done.
Oops, forgot to report earlier.
Day twelve: 3,754 words. Total: 44,001.
88% done.
Lucky day #13: 3,749 words. Total: 47,750.
95.50% done.
I'll hit the 50,000 word mark tomorrow, easily. Then comes ... editing!
Day #14: 3,266 words. Total = 51,016.
Yes, I have made my goal, and the story is done. Now to leave it alone for a few days and then edit it. Thank you to all for your kind support.
Incidentally this thread is an interesting "writers exercise" if anybody wants to join in-