Quote:we dont want to know the truth, we only want to be told that we are right. anyone who threatens the fulfilment of our needs for a backslap and an ego stroke gets attacked.
That's yourself you're describing, Hawkeye. And, since you are rarely told by anyone at A2K that you are right, you continually proclaim yourself to be right, just so you can stroke your own ego.
Quote:sure, lets guess at the motivation of the speaker rather than examine the ideas that the speakers words present...
So what "ideas" does your use of words like "fag" and "nigger" convey to the reader?
You choose deliberately derogatory, provocative, and demeaning terms to characterize and refer to groups. Your lack of regard for these groups is clear, your attitude is conveyed through your language use.
And that's very much connected to the topic of this thread. Homosexuals are struggling for equality and equal rights, the same rights you enjoy which are protected by laws that do not afford them the same protection or benefits. While that might not bother you, it does, and should, bother them, and everyone else who truly values the notion of equality. Both social mores and attitudes are changing as we accept and embrace diversity more fully, but lives still remain blighted by discrimination, bigotry, and hostility--the lives of very real people, who just want to live those lives without being seen, or treated, as outcasts, or inferiors, or second class citizens. People just like jcboy, who want to marry, and raise children, and live the same sort of ordinary family life as everyone else. That's what it's all about, Hawkeye.
And, when a company CEO voices attitudes that suggest indifference to this struggle, as Barilla implicitly did, or a business owner, like yourself, refers to this group in demeaning terms, as you did, there is no reason for consumers, who feel angered or tossed aside, not to react with their pocketbooks and buying power, if they feel it will help their cause or help to change minds. Offended groups do not have to tolerate such things if there is any way of changing them, or simply a way to express their displeasure. That's how you move toward equality--you really do have to exert pressure and demand it. Having lived through all the various civil rights battles in the last 60 years, I know that.
That's what this boycott is about.
So, I fail to see how your use of a slur, like "fags" contributes any "ideas" that are at all meaningful to this discussion. Words like that, and the demeaning attitude behind them, are what make this civil rights struggle even necessary because they help to keep the barriers in place.
You resent the tactics of boycotts like this because you really don't support the cause that's behind them.