Tarot And Its Meaning...

Sat 5 Apr, 2014 04:38 am
...and the bridge is just around the corner - cross it and your travel can start.
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Sat 5 Apr, 2014 01:18 pm
I went back and looked at the tarrot cards and the one with the world was interesting. The four figures in the corners are a lion, a ull a cherub and an eagle representing four fixed signs of zodiac.
I have seen those four signs so often in churches representing the four Apostels
Mathew as an angel
Mark as a lion
John as an eagle
Luke as an ox
Here is Christ surronded the same way
Sat 5 Apr, 2014 01:24 pm
I even found an explanation
A naked woman hovers or dances above the Earth holding a staff in each hand, surrounded by a green wreath, being watched by various creatures. In older decks, these are usually a human face or head, a lion, an ox, and an eagle, the symbols of the four Evangelists, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Or astrologically speaking, the human head represent Aquarius, the lion represents Leo, the ox represents Taurus and the eagle Scorpio. (these four signs are the fixed signs in terms of astrology - which can allude to the four corners of the earth, the four elements, etc.) It also holds reference to the vision of Ezekiel of the "throne" or "chariot" of God in the Old Testament.[1] The four figures in the corners of the card are also referenced in the Book of Revelation, 4:7, where the throne of God is described: "And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle."[2]

Later decks avoid such overt Hebrew symbolism, or ignore it altogether, choosing to explain these observers as representatives of the natural world, or the kingdom of beasts. According to astrological tradition, the Lion is Leo, a fire sign; the Bull or calf is Taurus, an earth sign; the Man is Aquarius, an air sign; and the Eagle is Scorpio, a water sign.[3] These signs also represent the classical four elements.
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Sun 6 Apr, 2014 02:40 am
saab wrote:

I went back and looked at the tarrot cards and the one with the world was interesting. The four figures in the corners are a lion, a ull a cherub and an eagle representing four fixed signs of zodiac.
I have seen those four signs so often in churches representing the four Apostels
Mathew as an angel
Mark as a lion
John as an eagle
Luke as an ox
Here is Christ surronded the same way

Matthew represents the shepherd king
Mark represents the servant
Luke represents the man
John represents the son of God

All of these aspects of humanity mirror God's own aspects.

The Lord is my Shepherd...

Sun 6 Apr, 2014 04:07 am
Interesting - I have never seen nor heard about the four Apostels as symbols the way you showed. Where is it from.? Just curious.
Sun 6 Apr, 2014 11:26 am
saab wrote:

Interesting - I have never seen nor heard about the four Apostels as symbols the way you showed. Where is it from.? Just curious.

If you research the four gospels with an eye to trying to figure out which main aspect each gospel emphasizes you will come up with these four aspects.

Matthew with his royal genealogy of Jesus Christ, the three kings and shepherds appearance at birth and other regal implications in the text .
Mark where Jesus washes the feet of the apostles and other of these types of humble acts.
The Luke the physician, mentions often Jesus' humanity as being merely "a man". Thus worthy of representing all humanity.
John emphasizes Jesus as "the son of God" mentioned more than any other gospel.

The old testament speaks of 4 branches

Well these four branches (aspects) are these that I have identified which explain why the writers wrote four Gospels.

Although there were many gospels written only four were chosen. Perhaps because they seem to fulfill the prophecies of the four branches of the old testament.

This link explains the same thing I was taught many years ago.

Why Four Gospels
0 Replies
Sun 6 Apr, 2014 11:52 am
To solve the riddle,

The lion is the shepherd king
The ox is the servant
The man is the man
The eagle is the son of God

Why is the eagle the son of God?

Well, the eagles in the Middle East are not the same as the eagles in the United States.

The Middle Eastern eagles, halfway through their lives their feathers begin to molt. As they begin to lose more feathers they realize their ability to fly will be hampered. So in one last flight the eagle flies way high up into the stratosphere and then turns back earthward and falls from that great height into a body of water. (Much like baptism.)

The impact of the water relieves the eagle of most of its remaining feathers and the eagle can no longer fly for a season. The eagle swims to the land for safety and over time grows a new set of feathers and returns to the skies.

The eagle symbolizes rebirth, "spiritual" birth. Thus born of God, new birth and revitalization.
Sun 6 Apr, 2014 01:11 pm
This woman came home to find these guys visiting her cats. The woman's name is Pam Aus. This video is hers and she has it up on Youtube as well. I did not make this video, it was taken in Alaska I think. I just think it's cool.


Related to eagles.
0 Replies
Sun 6 Apr, 2014 01:19 pm
The lion the symbol of the Power of a King
The Ox a symbol of prayer and sacrifice
The Eagle as a symbol of the Holy Ghost
The Angel a symbol of the holy inkarnation.

It is interesting how close symbols often are in different religions and times.
It shows there is something deep in us which brings out these toughts.
These four symbols probably first were astronomical symbols and later to a certain extent saint´s attribute.
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Sun 6 Apr, 2014 04:23 pm
Psalm 103:5 Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.
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Mon 7 Apr, 2014 05:34 am
This is called Janus or Gemini

In many prayers and much meditations there came this vision.

The lord dropped down a sheet that as I gazed upon it I saw this heavenly apparition.

I felt myself moving backward through time. I saw memories and history merging into the past. I saw the people and I saw their religion.

They were hypocrites with mirrors in their hearts.... They looked upon the priests and kings for truth. Yet the truth of the kings and priests was corrupt.

The people could not see this corruption for they were blind to God and relied on their spiritual leaders. Their leaders had an outer and an inner heart, an old heart and a young heart and they did both beat in the same body... One heart looked back to the old world and one heart looked onto the future.

The people could not see the two hearts for they perceived them as one. The priests were evil they deceived the people with one heart and cheated them with the other. The people could not detect this deception because they could not see the evil heart within. They were tricked by the old heart which was sly and cunning and they were enticed by the young heart into an uncertain future.

The people perceived holiness of the priests and not the evil done in the secret recesses of the heart. They saw the holy robes of the priests as the youthful heart and the relics that taught them of the old heart.

They did not see the folly of two hearts.

The priests and kings took these sacred hearts from Noah. For it was Noah that had two faces. One face that looked back upon the antediluvian world and one that saw the new world appear. Noah's heart was with the true God but his face was divided by his particular circumstances of his life. Noah saw the angels of the true God in chains of silence then Noah knew his own silence...

Yet it was the priests and kings that took the faces of Noah and used it to conceal their mysteries. Images of four footed beasts, sea creatures and the foul of the air were worshiped and did rule on high.

The lord took me even further back in time. Where I saw Adam and he did have two faces too.. His one face was young for it was Eden which saw his youth and his other face was old for after the fall Adam became as the dust. Both Adam and Eve had two faces one humble and one prideful...

For after the fall they heard two voices. They looked to God and saw two faces as one.

An old face and a new face... For the image of God was torn in twain. There were the mysteries of God and there was the truth of God. There was the love of God and the wrath of God. There was knowledge of good and evil...

When I gazed upon Christ I saw but one complete face... I saw one way and one heart and mind.

Yet the people could not see the one way.. They looked instead onto God and they saw mirrors that reflected back their own evil.

...for the people had two faces too. One that was secret and one that was deceit.

I cried out to Christ! Please show them the way!

Then, I looked upon my own heart...

RexRed 24 July 2005 @ 12:23 pm
0 Replies
Mon 7 Apr, 2014 05:40 am
Today's card pick

The Knight of Wands



The Knight of Wands is seen riding upon his horse, which rears up in the intensity of the Knight’s quest for success. The Knight’s face bears the determination of one bound to succeed. The plumes from the Knight of Wands’ helmet and the decorative tassels hanging from his back and arms are the colour of flame and he, like the Page, wears a shirt covered with the symbol of the fiery salamander....
0 Replies
Mon 7 Apr, 2014 05:45 am
I picked two more cards

Five Of Cups


The Five of Cups is a card that signifies difficulty, loss, and the challenges of dealing with that loss. The figure in the card wears a black cloak in which he hides his face in apparent despair. At his feet are five cups, three of which have fallen and spilled onto the ground and the other two behind his back remain standing. He does not seem to notice these upstanding cups because he is so focused on the fallen cups instead. Ahead of him a powerful river flows between himself and a castle or home in the distance. To his right is a bridge that can lead him to the security of the house across the river. Despite the fact that this card has a strong indication of loss and tribulation, there is a positive aspect that must be considered. Is your cup half full or half empty?



Queen Of Pentacles


The Queen of Pentacles depicts a solitary woman who sits upon a throne decorated with carvings of fruit trees, goats, angels, and other symbols of material success and sensual pleasure. The tree above her and the ground beneath her feet are rich with flowers and ripe plants of all sorts and she holds in her hand a single golden pentacle, which represents her material richness. At the very lower right-hand corner of the card a rabbit, the symbol of reproduction and fertility, leaps out from behind some bushes. The rabbit also hops into our awareness, symbolising that it is a good time to look before we leap and exercise good judgement as the Queen of Pentacles does.

0 Replies
Mon 9 Jun, 2014 09:01 pm
Three of Pentacles

The Three of Pentacles shows a young apprentice working in a cathedral. In front of him stand two architects who are holding the plans for the cathedral. The apprentice appears to be discussing his progress so far with two architects and even though he is less experienced, the architects listen carefully as they value his opinion and his specialist knowledge. There is also an acknowledgement that this young man is an essential contributor to the completion of the cathedral and the architects want to make sure that everyone is on the same page.

0 Replies
Tue 10 Jun, 2014 01:55 pm

The Knight of Swords shows a young man in his armour riding a powerful white horse into the midst of a battle in the distance. The white colour of the horse symbolises the purity of the intellectual energy that motivates the rider. The sky behind him is filled with storm clouds and the trees are tossed wildly by the wind. The horse’s harness is decorated with images of butterflies and birds and the knight’s cape is also decorated with birds. He charges forward with great momentum and apparently without any regard to the dangers he may encounter.



In the Ace of Wands, a hand reaches out from a cloud, as if a spiritual opportunity or offering is being made, to grasp a wand that is still flowering, growing and developing. The leaves floating down with the wind signify material and spiritual progress and balance. In the distance on the left, there is a castle that represents the promise of what opportunities may come.


I have decide to sometimes omit repetitively picked cards.... Smile
Thu 12 Jun, 2014 11:22 am
RexRed wrote:


The Knight of Swords shows a young man in his armour riding a powerful white horse into the midst of a battle in the distance. The white colour of the horse symbolises the purity of the intellectual energy that motivates the rider. The sky behind him is filled with storm clouds and the trees are tossed wildly by the wind. The horse’s harness is decorated with images of butterflies and birds and the knight’s cape is also decorated with birds. He charges forward with great momentum and apparently without any regard to the dangers he may encounter.

Does your aversion to guns extrapolate to swords ??
Does Rex demand sword control ???

Thu 12 Jun, 2014 11:35 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

RexRed wrote:


The Knight of Swords shows a young man in his armour riding a powerful white horse into the midst of a battle in the distance. The white colour of the horse symbolises the purity of the intellectual energy that motivates the rider. The sky behind him is filled with storm clouds and the trees are tossed wildly by the wind. The horse’s harness is decorated with images of butterflies and birds and the knight’s cape is also decorated with birds. He charges forward with great momentum and apparently without any regard to the dangers he may encounter.

Does your aversion to guns extrapolate to swords ??
Does Rex demand sword control ???


I suppose you would also agree with arming crazies with knives and swords too... (cynical)

Again, just so I do not stutter.

I am not against guns, swords and knives in the population, yet, I think guns are a privilege not a right...

I will ask this again, do you trust a military that has sworn an oath to our constitution or would you rather a militia that has sworn an oath to private concerns that may omit our constitutions basic premises?
Thu 12 Jun, 2014 01:17 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

RexRed wrote:


The Knight of Swords shows a young man in his armour riding a powerful white horse into the midst of a battle in the distance. The white colour of the horse symbolises the purity of the intellectual energy that motivates the rider. The sky behind him is filled with storm clouds and the trees are tossed wildly by the wind. The horse’s harness is decorated with images of butterflies and birds and the knight’s cape is also decorated with birds. He charges forward with great momentum and apparently without any regard to the dangers he may encounter.

Does your aversion to guns extrapolate to swords ??
Does Rex demand sword control ???

RexRed wrote:
I suppose you would also agree with arming crazies
with knives and swords too... (cynical)
Y do u write (cynical) there?
What do u have in mind?

I oppose arming them.
Thay have always been able to get their own, as I did
before I had access to functional guns at age 8. I made my own knives
by scraping metal against the cement, altho I already had commercially made knives.

Its not hard; fast n ez.

RexRed wrote:
Again, just so I do not stutter.
Do u have that problem ?

RexRed wrote:
I am not against guns, swords and knives in the population, yet,
I think guns are a privilege not a right... ["the right of the people
to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." US CONSTITUTION]
HOW can u logically support that belief??
From your posted anti-racism, we know that u oppose discrimination, yes???
The USSC has ruled that government cannot Constitutionally discriminate even
in so little a matter as seating on a bus because of the Constitutional necessity
of "equal protection of the laws"; how then can government discriminate in who
can defend his life and who must offer himself up for the slaughter ????

Government HAS competent authority to confine A MAN
who acts with unlawful violence, not to rob him of his weapons pre-emptively.
If Elliot Rodger were attacked by a pack of dogs as he walks along the street,
he has an EQUAL right to defend himself from the dogs with his blood on their teeth. Do u agree or deny that ?

RexRed wrote:
I will ask this again, do you trust a military that has sworn an oath
to our constitution or would you rather a militia that has sworn an oath
to private concerns that may omit our constitutions basic premises?
At the age of 11, I adopted the philosophy of TRUSTING NO ONE,
when a kid betrayed my (mis-begotten) trust. He was one of the best teachers I ever had.
I 'm not trying to be evasive nor rhetorically clever, just factual.

Militia are just armed citizenry.

I was in the Army, Rex; do u trust me???? I don t think u do.

Thu 12 Jun, 2014 01:31 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

RexRed wrote:


The Knight of Swords shows a young man in his armour riding a powerful white horse into the midst of a battle in the distance. The white colour of the horse symbolises the purity of the intellectual energy that motivates the rider. The sky behind him is filled with storm clouds and the trees are tossed wildly by the wind. The horse’s harness is decorated with images of butterflies and birds and the knight’s cape is also decorated with birds. He charges forward with great momentum and apparently without any regard to the dangers he may encounter.

Does your aversion to guns extrapolate to swords ??
Does Rex demand sword control ???

RexRed wrote:
I suppose you would also agree with arming crazies
with knives and swords too... (cynical)
Y do u write (cynical) there?
What do u have in mind?

I oppose arming them.
Thay have always been able to get their own, as I did
before I had access to functional guns at age 8. I made my own knives
by scraping metal against the cement, altho I already had commercially made knives.

Its not hard; fast n ez.

RexRed wrote:
Again, just so I do not stutter.
Do u have that problem ?

RexRed wrote:
I am not against guns, swords and knives in the population, yet,
I think guns are a privilege not a right... ["the right of the people
to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." US CONSTITUTION]
HOW can u logically support that belief??
From your posted anti-racism, we know that u oppose discrimination, yes???
The USSC has ruled that government cannot Constitutionally discriminate even
in so little a matter as seating on a bus because of the Constitutional necessity
of "equal protection of the laws"; how then can government discriminate in who
can defend his life and who must offer himself up for the slaughter ????

Government HAS competent authority to confine A MAN
who acts with unlawful violence, not to rob him of his weapons pre-emptively.
If Elliot Rodger were attacked by a pack of dogs as he walks along the street,
he has an EQUAL right to defend himself from the dogs with his blood on their teeth. Do u agree or deny that ?

RexRed wrote:
I will ask this again, do you trust a military that has sworn an oath
to our constitution or would you rather a militia that has sworn an oath
to private concerns that may omit our constitutions basic premises?
At the age of 11, I adopted the philosophy of TRUSTING NO ONE,
when a kid betrayed my (mis-begotten) trust. He was one of the best teachers I ever had.
I 'm not trying to be evasive nor rhetorically clever, just factual.

Militia are just armed citizenry.

I was in the Army, Rex; do u trust me???? I don t think u do.


Apparently your parents did not supervise you if you were able to get guns as a kid.

Also it is better for police to disarm someone who does no have a permit for a gun rather than after the fact when people lie dead in the streets...
Thu 12 Jun, 2014 02:26 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

RexRed wrote:


The Knight of Swords shows a young man in his armour riding a powerful white horse into the midst of a battle in the distance. The white colour of the horse symbolises the purity of the intellectual energy that motivates the rider. The sky behind him is filled with storm clouds and the trees are tossed wildly by the wind. The horse’s harness is decorated with images of butterflies and birds and the knight’s cape is also decorated with birds. He charges forward with great momentum and apparently without any regard to the dangers he may encounter.

Does your aversion to guns extrapolate to swords ??
Does Rex demand sword control ???

RexRed wrote:
I suppose you would also agree with arming crazies
with knives and swords too... (cynical)
Y do u write (cynical) there?
What do u have in mind?

I oppose arming them.
Thay have always been able to get their own, as I did
before I had access to functional guns at age 8. I made my own knives
by scraping metal against the cement, altho I already had commercially made knives.

Its not hard; fast n ez.

RexRed wrote:
Again, just so I do not stutter.
Do u have that problem ?

RexRed wrote:
I am not against guns, swords and knives in the population, yet,
I think guns are a privilege not a right... ["the right of the people
to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." US CONSTITUTION]
HOW can u logically support that belief??
From your posted anti-racism, we know that u oppose discrimination, yes???
The USSC has ruled that government cannot Constitutionally discriminate even
in so little a matter as seating on a bus because of the Constitutional necessity
of "equal protection of the laws"; how then can government discriminate in who
can defend his life and who must offer himself up for the slaughter ????

Government HAS competent authority to confine A MAN
who acts with unlawful violence, not to rob him of his weapons pre-emptively.
If Elliot Rodger were attacked by a pack of dogs as he walks along the street,
he has an EQUAL right to defend himself from the dogs with his blood on their teeth. Do u agree or deny that ?

RexRed wrote:
I will ask this again, do you trust a military that has sworn an oath
to our constitution or would you rather a militia that has sworn an oath
to private concerns that may omit our constitutions basic premises?
At the age of 11, I adopted the philosophy of TRUSTING NO ONE,
when a kid betrayed my (mis-begotten) trust. He was one of the best teachers I ever had.
I 'm not trying to be evasive nor rhetorically clever, just factual.

Militia are just armed citizenry.

I was in the Army, Rex; do u trust me???? I don t think u do.

RexRed wrote:
Apparently your parents did not supervise you
if you were able to get guns as a kid.
Yes. We owned some funiture stores in Arizona,
to whose administration thay attended 6 days a week,
getting home usually between 8 - 1O PM. I was OK.
I called my mother on the fone, if I felt like it.
I used taxi cabs to go where I wanted, including restaurants, movies. Plenty of cash; it was OK.
Guns were everywhere in the naborhood. The other kids were much better armed than I was.
We went target shooting. Some of them were amateur gunsmiths,
for the fun of it, some better than others. I was not too great at it.
My next door nabor was a captain in the National Guard.
He took his son (my age) and other kids in the naborhood
to his military post and we worked out with fully automatic weapons.
Submachineguns are tons of fun. I love them. We all did.

RexRed wrote:
Also it is better for police to disarm someone who does no have a
permit for a gun rather than after the fact when people lie dead in the streets...
That woud make the policeman a ROBBER,
the same as if he stole your Bible or your wallet, in addition to his raping the Constitution.

Such a police officer belongs in prison.
The United States Congress wrote:
Whoever, under color of any law, statute . . . willfully subjects any person in any State . . . Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, ... shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon . . . shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both;
and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnaping or an attempt to kidnap . . . shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.
[All highlighting has been added by David.]
I 'd argue that if a policeman robbed a citizen of his gun, as u advocated,
then he 'd thereby violate this federal law
and since police use guns,
he 'd violate that prohibition (up to ten years in prison)
and if he un-Constitutionally arrested that citizen
that 'd constitute a KIDNAP (up to life in federal prison with no parole).

I addressed several questions to u, Rex.
U did not answer most of them.


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