Tue 20 Aug, 2013 09:39 pm
Hiiiii!! I'm new to this, so I just want and need a little advice... Okay, so I have a three year old son... I was on the birthcontrol "implanon" for three years... It expired second week of June 2013, i havent gotten if removed because i dont have any medical insurance at the time BUT when i seen a doctor she said it wouldnt hurt and i voukdvstill very much become pregnant, every since then I've been getting my periods like normal when before on birthcontrol, I wasn't getting it. Sooo... My last cycle started on the 7th of August, the ovulation calculator says that I ovulate on the 18th... I had unprotected sex on the 16,18, and 19th.... Is there any possibility of pregnancy? Any thoughts or suggestions? Please!! Thank you!!
Quote:My last cycle started on the 7th of August, the ovulation calculator says that I ovulate on the 18th... I had unprotected sex on the 16,18, and 19th.... Is there any possibility of pregnancy?
Yes, there is a possibility. There is also a possibility that you are not. Go see a doctor, tell them what you wrote here, and have the device removed. Leaving it in gives opportunity for infection that can lead to sterility.
Use condoms until you have your own viable birth control method again.