hamburger, I have certain thoughts that flash upon "my inward eye". They involve the settling of the soul that defies explanation. So many things, do. I think, perhaps, it has more to do with who we were when....understand?
Hamburger, (have to smile at your handle) I became so weary of those who rail against "peace"...of course we all have misgivings about stuff. But often there comes a calm that cannot be justified nor scientifically explained. It is at this time in our lives that questioning is healthy.
See you made it through the flu.
As did I.
I found a tiny lapel pin that I thought had been lost. It was a guardian angel pin. I sent it via the charge nurse at the hospital where my son hangs in limbo. Just the willingness of someone, obviously ethnic, to repeat my words to him, was a promise that he kept in spite of his faith. Now that's my kind of "love" kind of peace.
As we approach the passover--Easter--whatever, I find that my heart is exactly where it should be--on my sleeve.
and when I see, hear, your daughter, I know that you and your wife have done something right.