Well I do appreciate your time to respond.
I was just overwhelmed with my sister's death. Going into respiratory failure that same day. Being in icu for 9 days and my bil putting off the funeral because he felt I should be there. I got home on Thursday night and her funeral was the next morning.
I was starting to go through my sister's belongings when my mom died 3 months after my sister. I really needed to have surgery and I kept putting that off. I was getting very little sleep because I needed that surgery.
I finally had the surgery and went into respiratory failure in the recovery room. That caused my hospital stay to be longer than it should of been.
Then in July I went into respiratory failure again. It has been a roller coaster ride, one thing after another. Then I collapsed and already wrote about my fractures and broken ribs.
I am adjusting to life without my parents and my sister. I'm also getting tougher. This site, the members here, have helped me even if they don't know it. I like learning and have learned from others here and that is one reason I stay. There is such a vast knowledge amongst the members here.
Okay I will quit rambling