Okay so a little backstory on my situation:
I met this guy at the student orientation for our school about a year ago, he was really nice and friendly and we became friends. After a little while of knowing each other he began to text me every single day. And he's a very busy guy so I know for a fact he genuinely enjoyed talking to me or he wouldn't have made the effort. After a few weeks of us talking daily, he suddenly stopped and started acting really weird- like not saying hi to me when I saw him on campus, refusing to walk home with me when I needed a friend etc. So then it became really awkward for no reason and we just weren't friends anymore....
After a few months of stupid weirdness he randomly texted me saying hey haven't talked to you in a while and admittedly I was very rude and distant sounding. I told him that he started being weird and that's why we aren't friends and his response was "well sorry". I didn't reply.
A few months later I saw him at a party and we were both very very intoxicated (oops) and he pulled me over to dance with him on the dance floor and we kissed and he took my number (I guess he had gotten a new phone) and told me to 'text him when I leave the party'. Obviously I didn't do that because I didn't want to go home with him. Weeks go by and even though he has my number he doesn't text me to say whats up or anything. Then at another party I (drunk again oops) ask him to come over and talk to me and we talked for a little bit about stupid **** and end up making out again, and he kept insisting that we should go home together- I'm not going to repeat exactly what he said because that would take too long but he was very forward lets just say that. When I say no however, he kind of just walks away... idk it was weird.
To this day he still hasn't texted me..... and I really really want him to!
Do you guys think maybe I should text him first or what? I really like him and I know he wouldn't like ignore me if I made an effort but I just feel like he gives such mixed signals. Honestly, I really don't know why he stopped talking to me originally but I know he likes to talk to me/ likes my personality and I know he's willing to hook up too so I don't know why he doesn't just talk to me?? I asked a guy friend of mine why a guy wouldn't text a girl that he's hooked up with multiple times and he said that maybe he doesn't want to make it 'a consistent thing'. WTF does that even mean I don't want to date him or anything I just want him to talk to me!! So should I go ahead and make the first move and text him or what do you think?
Feel free to ask any questions that you need me to elaborate on- any advice would be appreciated thanks in advance