Wed 31 Mar, 2004 11:25 am
usergroups: Christian
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The Purpose Drive Life by Rick Warren
1. Have you read it ?
2. Do you plan to read it?
3. What's your comments on the book?
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I am going to read it very soon. I've heard really great things about it, and can't wait to get into it.
what do you think of it?
I'm in a group doing it over the Lenten season - one more week to go, it's been great.
Spiritual Gifts
i have just recently heard about this book... i have heard many great things about it. i want to get but havnt had the chance or money to get it yet...
I converted to MP3 so was also able to listen on 1 cd verse 6
oh you bought the cds not the book huh... good idea... do you do that with books of the bible? i saw in a LifeWay they had the bible on cd... it was like 120 bucks though... i would love to have it but i cant afford it at this time...
my mrs has the book and I have the audio when I joined audible the bible on cd would be cool I have it on tape
i have my friend who takes the verses he is studing and records them on his computer then loops it and burns it onto a cd so he can have it said over and over.. he says its a very effective learning tool....
Seed wrote:oh you bought the cds not the book huh... good idea... do you do that with books of the bible? i saw in a LifeWay they had the bible on cd... it was like 120 bucks though... i would love to have it but i cant afford it at this time...
search ebay
Audio Bible World English Version on Mp3
sure will thanks for the advice...
I have not read this book. I have heard mostly good things about it. If you recommend it, I will get it and read it.
yep it would be a good read for you
Cool. I will definitely pick up a copy! Thanx.