Sun 16 Jun, 2013 01:00 pm
Okay. So I went to Europe last summer with the people to people organization group thingy.. Anyways a couple days after I got there, I woke up with swollen lips. It was like 46 degrees Celsius which is like 120 degrees F!!!! Everyday we walked in the sun for miles and miles, and this just got worst. It spread over my body only where the sun was exposed to my body. There were first tiny little bumps on my swollen lips, then it spread to my face then to my neck, chest, and arms. I was so miserable. Luckily, one of my leaders was a nurse. So she took to the pharmacy to get some hydrocortisone. It helped, but they weren't fully gone. so when it started to clear up, the little bumps went away leaving light spots everywhere the bumps used to be. Mind you, this reaction appeared everywhere my skin was exposed except for my legs. So yeah. This happened a couple of months ago too. I was at the park one day and the next morning I woke up to find that my lips were swollen again! It went away after a few days. The last time this happened was yesterday. I went to the water park and was exposed to the sun and chlorine.. This morning I woke up with swollen lips. Its itching and everything. It has always itched. What is this?? Did I catch a disease in Europe?? I was swimming in Europe too, beaches, oceans, pools, etc.. Does chlorine flare it up more?? Someone help, please and thank you.
How many times does it need to happen before you go see a doctor about it?
my moma won't take me, she just thinks it's an all of a sudden allergic reaction to the sun and tells me to take benedryl.
You say Europe, but where did you go? I suppose in the south.
Taking people for walks in the heat and sun is more than irresponsible.
You might have gotten a alleergy to heat or sun or a combination of both.
It is too serious to just take something from over the counter.
Your mother has to take you to a doctor .
By the way, should your toungue start to swell - you have call emergency right away or go to nearest doctor or hospital as soon as possible.
I had to like beg her to take me to an urgent care because she just thinks some benedryl will help. So im going today.
I went to Italy, Sicily, Greece, Crete, Athens, and other small towns like Naples and Pompei