fresco wrote:Yes...I am aware of the gun lobby argument
I am part of that lobby
in that I remain alert n active to harass my representatives
in all governments within whose geographical jurisdiction
I reside, or own realty, with demands that thay keep their
hands off my liberty, as per the Instrument of the existence
of government in America: the US Constitution, in accordance
with their oath of office. I threaten to vote against them,
if thay do not actively support each citizen's freedom
of self defense by use of guns worn on our bodies.
I am energetic in recruiting more vocal participants
in that lobby, especially the youth; I take them shooting
and to dinner at places thay like, where we discuss
anti-socialistic ideas, while we munch.
( Sometimes, I use pictures of Karl marx as gunnery targets; "cognitive style" ? )
fresco wrote: but that is in essence an example of "cognitive style",
since such style includes attitudes to "self" and "property".
It is more than style to take cognizance of intentional
imposed on government (knowing that personal liberty
and government jurisdiction are
We must be ever mindful of our need to keep
the neck of our hireling, government, under
the heavy boot of the Individual citizen, the Creator of government.
fresco wrote:(Consider for example Marx's dictum "property is theft"
for an example of an extreme stylistic contrast.)
Socialism: the philosophy of larceny; the philosophy of evil.
fresco wrote:Concepts of "self" are inextricably bound up with concepts of "others",
and similar selves can be considered to be tribal insofar as they operate
in according to a common "rationality".
Regardless, the concept of our intentional
dis-empowerment of government,
as a condition of its existence at its creation,
is conclusive.
fresco wrote:Other tribes (European perhaps) look at the relatively appalling
figures for US gun crime and shake their heads in disbelief at such "rationality".
A lot of the components of those figures
result from disputes over turf for the sale of drugs
among rival gangs. I will not get too upset, if thay take each other out.
(If we were to restore a free market in drugs, as per the early 1900s, that 'd end.)
In any case, what matters are the rights of the Individual
to freely defend himself from the predatory violence
of man or beast, in keeping with the jurisdictional
dis-abilities that we imposed on government.
Additionally, the opinions of aliens are no importance,
however slight. We are sovereign.
fresco wrote:At the end of the day, all "freedoms" and "rights" are relative
to the social responsibilities involved in their maintentance.
That is false; there are
NO "social responsibilities"
other than those prescribed by the Constitution (e.g., taxation).
Freedom consists of the
ABSENCE of the jurisdiction
of government.
Anything else is freely voluntary (e.g., sometimes, I give cash
to people who do not expect it, in a spirit of hedonism).
fresco wrote:They are historically defined and have no absolute status.
Dis-abilities against government, set forth in the Instrument
of its creation have
absolute status.
What I celebrate on the 4th of July is how we have
the jurisdiction of government.
aggrandizes freedom of the Individual.
The glory of government in America is what it
fresco wrote:And note that "absolute claims" are no different to "religious claims"
which is the central theme of the OP.
That is false.
Claims can be absolute, regardless of religion.
An atheist can have absolute claims.