RexRed wrote:You know David the republicans don't care one single bit about the militias...
I don't either; its not much of an issue.
I 'm a conservative Republican.
RexRed wrote:Reagan and Bush were both for banning certain guns and ammo.
IF Reagan supported that, its like
a leader of AA going on a drinking binge; an error.
The Bushes were never conservatives; I disapproved
of Reagan selecting Bush to balance off his own conservatism.
RexRed wrote:If you think the the republican's rich friends want the population (99%) armed
you are one uninformed citizen...
Your allegation is false and without merit.
RexRed wrote:Remember it is the dems who believe in the rights of the people and its citizenry.
Is that the reason
that the Democrats want
every citizen to be well armed, like I do ???
RexRed wrote:Go ahead vote for the republicans,
RexRed wrote: see if it really makes you safer...
If I remain un-disturbed by government interference, I 'll be OK.
RexRed wrote:See if they really care about the people considering
how they have disfranchised people of color and the poor.
1. I 'm white & well off.
2. Thay did not disenfranchise anyone,
tho thay
HAVE tolerated children being disenfranchized.
I disapprove of that.
RexRed wrote:The republicans don't give a flying hoot about you and your happy gun collection.
I don't need them to
as long as thay keep government off my back.
That 's all I want.
Incidentally, I 'm one of them.
RexRed wrote:They have spent millions to convince you otherwise.
We shud spend more, to get our message out better.
The G.O.P. is the more conservative
of the 2 parties; i.e., closer to the
non-interference of Original Americanism.
I support
laissez faire free enterprize
and the sparrow fart theory of government.
RexRed wrote:I hate guns myself but as a liberal I do not forbid them.
Government has never had
any authority to "forbid them", nor do u.
To be a liberal is only to
distort and to deceive.
I rigidly adhere to Original Americanism.
RexRed wrote:Only when the rich republicans keep arming crazies indiscriminately just to make a buck.
We did not "arm" anyone,
but we did not get in anyone 's way.
We don't give away guns any more than we give away food.
RexRed wrote:These rich bastards don't care about you,
your guns or anybody else..
What makes u think that
I want them to
never did. I only wanted them to be
and do nothing, except to
prevent Democrats from violating my rights
by unConstitutional legislation.
RexRed wrote:they care about power and money, period.
I do; we all shud.
RexRed wrote:The republicans have thrown our economy under the bus just to shield their rich cronies
from paying their fair share of taxes...
The rich have paid far too much in taxes.
Thay shud have
giant refunds and
immunity from taxes for many years,
restitution. The poor have paid no where near their fair share.
Their taxes shud be raised. I favor repealing income tax
and amending the 16th Amendment so as to fund government
ONLY from sales taxes at the same rate for everyone,
tho there shud be a cap above which no citizen need pay more ($500,000),
because government does not earn it by its services.
RexRed wrote: How can average citizens afford guns
when they are too busy trying to make ends meet
and paying for republican wars for oil?
Lemme get this straight:
allege that Americans
don't have good gun collections ???????
Have u checked our houses, to see what we have ????
We have nice gun collections.
Some friends of mine like to
MAKE their own guns; happy gunsmiths.
( That is not to imply that thay did not already buy as many guns
in addition, as thay wanted. )
RexRed wrote:Do you really think the repugs care about you and your guns?
I don't want anyone to care about
I want all holders of public office to care about respecting
the limits on power imposed by the US Constitution.