"Let your conscience be your guide." But what is conscience?

cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 13 Dec, 2013 05:49 pm
I guess we need to clarify what a "true Christian" is.....if that's at all possible.
Mr. Green
Reply Fri 13 Dec, 2013 06:02 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I think Romeo just clarified it as "practically perfect in every way"

and there was me thinking Mary Poppins was a Mormon
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Dec, 2013 07:10 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Throughout a person's sanctification, they are learning to be more like Christ learning to turn away from preconceived notions of propriety. Through this process they fall short always striving to love. What constitutes letting someone down? Usually expectations is the cause for being let down. What one considers as justifiable is subjective to one's own consciousness and it may not be in accordance with another's perspective; hence letting someone down.
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Reply Fri 13 Dec, 2013 07:23 pm
What a lovely, humorous way to express the simplicity of the morale within each of us, which does not need doctrine to validate or justify truths know to all.
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Romeo Fabulini
Reply Sat 14 Dec, 2013 06:08 am
Neologist said: @RF- Are you saying 'holy' men like you are incapable of sin?

First, a meaning of 'holy' is 'apart', so yes, as a longstanding world-rejecter who refuses to dance to the world's tune, I'm certainly 'holy'..Smile-
Jesus said:- "The world wants you to dance to its tune.." (Matt 11:16)

Secondly, I was certainly a contender for the naughty step in my younger days (expelled from school, ex-convict etc) but I like to think I've mellowed a bit since then..Wink
Like I said we're ALL under satanic attack 24/7 as he attempts to inject thoughts into our minds to lure us towards the dreaded naughty step.
True Christians can sense when he's having a go at them and will ignore him-"Don't give the devil a foothold" (Eph 4:27)
"Resist the devil and he'll flee from you" (James 4:7)

but nonchristians (and especially atheists) are easy meat for him because they have no "spiritual armour"-
"Therefore put on the full armour of God..take up the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one" (Eph 6:13-17)

0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Dec, 2013 06:20 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

I guess we need to clarify what a "true Christian" is.....if that's at all possible.
Mr. Green

By their words you will know them. Jesus said 'Love thy neighbour as thyself.' That's the core, nothing else matters. If a Christian is demonstrably trying to do that, then they're a genuine Christian. If they spread hatred about other races/cultures/religions/classes, but still claim to be Christian you know they're not Christians at all, but **** worshippers.

A prime example would be Gungasnake who pointedly ignores Christ's command so he can denigrate other religions. At the same time he tries to justify those parts of the Bible that are patently bullshit, such as the Earth only being a few thousand years old, and that a global flood really happened.
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Sat 14 Dec, 2013 06:26 am
Smileyrius said: Id have thought that even true christians would be prone to errors in judgement or lapses in consideration. After all, all man is imperfect right?

Yes, even Jesus acknowledged the imperfections of his human half-
"Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone" (Luke 18:19)
so because we're fully human,we're far from perfect, but at least true Christians are a bit more perfect than others..Wink

PS- my last imperfect judgement occurred earlier this month when I bought this neat little rechargeable battery-operated mini-TV for 80 GB pounds (120 US dollars)

so that I can watch it if there's a long lasting power cut. But then I realised that if there is a power cut, I won't be able to recharge the battery to make it go! (sniffle)
(PS- the screen isn't scratched in that photo, it's just the protective film)
Reply Sat 14 Dec, 2013 06:33 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
As if on cue a **** worshipper appears.
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Romeo Fabulini
Reply Sat 14 Dec, 2013 07:01 am
Cicerone said: I guess we need to clarify what a "true Christian" is.....if that's at all possible.

Good question mate..Smile
Firstly I try never to call myself a christian because ONLY GOD KNOWS if any of us are worthy to bear that label, that's why I prefer to only say in my A2K profile that i've got "a healthy interest in Christianity".
But if people ask me straight if I'm a christian or not, I have to say "yes" to avoid confusing them.
Even Paul pointed out that only God knows if he shapes up-
"I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court; indeed, I do not even judge myself. My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me. Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time" (1 Cor 4:3)

Secondly it's hard to define what a true Christian is because every christian thinks THEY are true christians!
One definition might be that a true Christian is somebody who you wouldn't mind spending eternity with ..Smile

But some so-called "christians" have said to me stuff like-
"You put me off Christianity, Mick, and you are definately a phoney Christian" (VeritasBellum)
"Micks proud,arrogant,self-glorifying, uncharitable,offensive,lacking understanding and talking drivel" (Christian Trucker Pat)
"Mick you put me off Christianity and i'm a Christian" (Elbown)
"You disgust me Mick" (Rev.Eric Potts)
"Romeo is a deceiver, ignorant, possibly malicious, talks drivel and we won't meet in any afterlife" (Neologist)
"Your account has been disabled, Please do not make any attempt to participate further in any of our Communities" (Religious Forum boss)

Yet on the other hand people say to me-
Spannerose - "Mick, I would like you to know that the result of reading your posts I am left with the desire to pick up my bible for the first time in years"
ChildofLight - "So good to read your responses Mick, some are quite witty and made LOL"
Happysandyh - "welcome Mick, welcome welcome!"
HenryS - "You are brilliant Mick in finding appropriate phrases. Another one of your superb emails to store"
Firebrand - "Amen and welcome Mick"
Coconut - "Whew! Thanks for sharing Mick"
Sarah4Jesus - "Listen to Mick in Plymouth, he is a great teacher"
Cathie - "Very wise advice Mick, thanks"
Kierri - "That was one of the best explanations I've ever heard! Yay for Mick in Plymouth"
Haimehenmmli - "I LOVE IT MATE!!! I'm going to put it into my files, with some of my other favorites, from you"
Evachrst3 - "Right on, Mick, I couldn't agree more.Thank you for defending the faith so eloquently".
Devilmademedoit2 - "I love this! Thanks, Mick!"
SweetSummer96 - "Wow. That's a cool story Mick."
Vespasian052 - "Wow! Mick,what an awesome tale.."
Beekpr9 - "Amen to all you have said, Mick!"
Saipan1777 - "Spot on Mick bravo"
Duke Tinn - "Thanks again Mick. Great Stuff"
Tahella - "Welcome Mick!"
Ainglkiss - "Mick what a wonderful story. You write so well. Keep up the great work"
BlessedOne - "Glad to have you here Mick! Jesus is the way!"
MonkGirl - "Wow, thank you Mick! That is really comforting...and all I really needed to hear!"
WOFman - "Welcome Mick!"
Nottonguetied - "I loved those stories from Mick"
Honeybearx - "This was very good reading thank you Mick"
Megan - "Mick, I just wanted to tell you that I loved this story, it was very touching"
Benjoman - "Your one of the only ones from the singles board that I still love Mick"
Allisoneness -"You are the one true Christian on here, keep up the good work and praise the Lord"
Sherry Anne - "Mick i love your posts"
Antipas - "Brilliant yet again Mick"
Easynote - "ROFL Mick you are pure class, another of your timeless classics!"
Kermit - "I love Mick. He is so, how shall I say it, RIGHT ON THE MONEY AND FUNNY, TOO"
Kermmiekr - "How uplifting Mick, and so very true"
Chrysalis55- "Just want to say, I love your posts and your messages not only insprire me, sometimes they make me laugh
because you are able to get your point across in such a great way. WAY TO GO waymarker!!!"
Evenflow- I just LOVE this post You have made me smile BIG TIME this morning. Good for you and what a great attitude you have to life xx"
Apple Pie - "Really good to see you, Mick. Come on over to 4church, we could do with your input and your humour"
Lillian - "Mick please come back..it's nice having you on the board"

So we're back to square one, namely that people all have different opinions and it's therefore impossible to define what a true Christian is because only God knows, so all we can do is give it our best shot..Smile
"Work out your own salvation.." (Philip 2:12 KJV)
Calamity Dal
Reply Sat 14 Dec, 2013 10:58 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
So if I want to be a true christian, I have to praise you?

Darn, I just cant find the words. Im going straight to hell.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 14 Dec, 2013 11:31 am
But the bible tells parents they must kill their own children if they do not follow his message. Gets a bit confusing - if you ask me!
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Sat 14 Dec, 2013 11:44 am
Calamity said: @RF- So if I want to be a true christian, I have to praise you? Darn, I just cant find the words. Im going straight to hell.

Haha no, the point I was trying to make is that some people think I'm an okay guy, but some others think I'm hellbound. The question is which of those groups is right?
Here's another batch of mail I get from atheists and nonchristians, you're quite welcome to spend eternity with them if you like, but include me out..Wink-

Faeshadow to me -"there are no words for the depth of ignorance and depravity that your mindset displays"
PeterM quote - "Mick, your posts are so full of BS I await to here you mooing. You are obviously one paranoid individual who has delusions of grandeur, and these are the least of your problems.....You do realise you're a tw*t?"
Toolate quote to me - "Everybody thinks you are an idiot.....atheists don't hate you, just find you laughable........What crimes are you planning now? More race hate?"
RomanticHorror to me - "you sick bast**d"
CreationFallacy quote to me - "Your posts remind me of local radio stations. Same old boring cr*p over and over again"
ZenAgain to me -"you wander off into drug induced metaphore.......I could tell by your posts that dementia was setting in"
PaganSunflower to me -"you have not fooled those on this board with even a shred of intelligence"
LanceT quote - "Mick try not to be a pr*ck all your life, eh?"
ZaZen quote - "Mick is like horse manure. You either stand in it or are sensible and avoid it."
OldyOneCanardly to me - "you are just an ignorant, bigotted, anti- semite with fascist and racist tendencies .....nothing of intelligence to contribute to anything or anybody ...........you big loser in life"
Dm2473 quote to me - "The fact that I'm Jewish and you're a Christian has nothing to do with the fact that you are a boorish, small minded, shallow, nincompoop"
Junoth quote to me - "What a sick and twisted mind you have! In fact the word "evil" springs to mind when I read your demented claptrap!"
Nanacad - Mick is a long time AOL message board w*nker..
Donbain - "I've got Mick on filter for one very good reason, his intelligence is too low beneath mine to dignify his lewdness with an answer"
Krpzd1 to me - "You really are a prize t*t aren't you?"
Sandragoggins (witch) -"I'm sure God has a special seat in hell for you Mick,.feel free to go fornicate yourself"
Steve H - "Micks a narrow-minded unchristian unqualified know-nothing silly little man and work-shy racist layabout"
Cymba - "Micks an unchristian aggressive liar showing no fruits of the spirit"
Zeke - "Micks wrong wrong wrong and denies Gods word"
Linda -"Mick's a silly little Brit"
Gloryboundd - "Mick's a senile liar and fool"
SheriNuwine - "Mick you come across as a pervert,do you like cheeky little minxes who play with dollies?"
Sunami - "Mick...the lazy workshy parasite that you are"
"Ghyllie Dhu -"you're a pompous, self-absorbed wingnut who's an embarassment to the faith"
Thai foooon quote - "Mick, you distort the meaning of scripture and are a false teacher"
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Dec, 2013 11:47 am
@cicerone imposter,
A severe law, no doubt. But necessary to maintain the Jewish nation until the time of the Messiah. No longer in force.
BTW, the promise of John 5:28 applies in this as well.
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Romeo Fabulini
Reply Sat 14 Dec, 2013 11:56 am
Cicerone said: But the bible tells parents they must kill their own children if they do not follow his message. Gets a bit confusing - if you ask me!

The Bible is really two bits (the Old T and the New T) bundled into one package, so it depends which bit you're talking about, the old or the new.
Jesus TRASHED the harsh bits of the Old T, and people quickly cottoned on..Smile

"Jesus saved you from the empty way of life handed you by your forefathers" (1 Pet 1:18 )
"Through Jesus we are saved,and not through Moses" (Acts 13:39)
"Jesus is worthy of more honour than Moses" (Heb 3:3)
"The covenant of which Jesus is mediator is superior to the old one" (Heb 8:6)
"In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent." (Acts 17:30)

Jesus said to the snooty priests-

"You're full of ****!"
(“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean" Matt 23:27)
Reply Sat 14 Dec, 2013 12:20 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
Jesus TRASHED the harsh bits of the Old T, and people quickly cottoned on.
Wrong to use the word "trashed" to describe something God provided. The principle referred to by CI is still in effect. Unrepentant sinners are removed from the congregation, thus suffering death in a spiritual sense. Does your congregation have a similar form of excommunication or disfellowshiping, Romeo?
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Reply Sat 14 Dec, 2013 12:23 pm
@cicerone imposter,
That's one of the shitty bits. Most of what's relevant in the NT comes from the Greek philosophers, I'd ignore the rest.
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Romeo Fabulini
Reply Sat 14 Dec, 2013 12:36 pm
Neologist said: Wrong to use the word "trashed" to describe something God provided. Unrepentant sinners are removed from the congregation, thus suffering death in a spiritual sense. Does your congregation have a similar form of excommunication or disfellowshiping, Romeo?

1- Jesus said "It was said 'eye for eye, tooth for tooth' but I say turn the other cheek" (Matt 5:38/39),
so there you have just one example mate, he scrapped it, binned it, trashed it, shot it down, bug-sprayed it and got rid of it no matter which word you prefer to use..Smile

2- As for "my congregation", I've said before I'm a free spirit and belong to no church or congregation, I don't need organised religion to do my thinking for me, unlike some..Wink
For example-
WIKI- "Doctrines of Jehovah's Witnesses are established by the Governing Body, without consultation with other members.
The religion does not tolerate dissidence about doctrines and practices; Members who openly disagree with the religion's teachings are shunned.
Watch Tower Society publications strongly discourage followers from questioning its doctrines and counsel, reasoning that the Society is to be trusted as "God's organization".
It also warns members to "avoid independent thinking", claiming such thinking "was introduced by Satan the Devil" and would "cause division".
Those who openly disagree with official teachings are condemned as "apostates" and "mentally diseased"
Reply Sat 14 Dec, 2013 05:44 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
I wrote:
Wrong to use the word "trashed" to describe something God provided. Unrepentant sinners are removed from the congregation, thus suffering death in a spiritual sense. Does your congregation have a similar form of excommunication or disfellowshiping, Romeo?
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
1- Jesus said "It was said 'eye for eye, tooth for tooth' but I say turn the other cheek" (Matt 5:38/39),
so there you have just one example mate, he scrapped it, binned it, trashed it, shot it down, bug-sprayed it and got rid of it no matter which word you prefer to use.
Once again, you sidestepped the point. Unrepentant adulterers were to be stoned. Jesus' sacrifice removed the stoning, but did not remove the prohibition. Unrepentant adulterers are spiritually dead.
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
2- As for "my congregation", I've said before I'm a free spirit and belong to no church or congregation, I don't need organised religion to do my thinking for me, unlike some..
The first century Christians were organized into congregations. What exempts you?
BTW, the admonition to "not lean upon your own understanding" does not prevent thinking. (Proverbs 3:5)
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Romeo Fabulini
Reply Sun 15 Dec, 2013 08:54 am
Romeo wrote: Jesus said "It was said 'eye for eye, tooth for tooth' but I say turn the other cheek" (Matt 5:38/39).
Neologist replied: Once again, you sidestepped the point. Unrepentant adulterers were to be stoned. Jesus' sacrifice removed the stoning, but did not remove the prohibition. Unrepentant adulterers are spiritually dead.

Romeo said: As for "my congregation", I've said before I'm a free spirit and belong to no church or congregation, I don't need organised religion to do my thinking for me, unlike some..
Neologist replied: Cute.
The first century Christians were organized into congregations. What exempts you?

1- Mate, by saying to me "Once again you sidestepped the point", you're playing this card, it's an old debating trick-

and because I NEVER sidestep a question, you're also committing the sin of false witness against me in an attempt to discredit me, but i'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you simply didn't understand my reply. If you care to repeat the question (whatever it was) i'll be glad to have another shot at answering for you..Smile
Anyway we've made some progress because you now acknowledge that Jesus DID change the old law by trashing the death sentence for adulteresses, well done..Smile

2- Early Christians simply met up in each others houses for a relaxed natter over cups of tea, and there are still such "house groups" around even today..Smile
If some people want to join big organised religions and formally meet up in churches and halls with ordained ministers and vicars and priests with rules and regulations, it's entirely up to them, but include me out.
For example some years ago, me and my fellow "house group christians" briefly thought of calling ourselves 'Christian Waymarkers' but we never bothered because we couldn't see the point of labelling ourselves.
You've seen the list of my fan mail which I posted, those people are from all over the world and we see no need to have to organise ourselves into a group or meet up anywhere, we simply keep in touch va the internet, so in a sense our "congregation" is spread all over the world, not confined to some meeting hall somewhere..Smile
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Dec, 2013 07:57 pm
I feel a conscience can dominate you. Overly dominate. I feel afraid of mine is as if it comes from no where and takes over immediately. I can't fight it. Or is that with certain personalities of mine? Is that possible?

Thinking to myself. These thoughts.
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