Quote:Romeo wrote: Jesus said "It was said 'eye for eye, tooth for tooth' but I say turn the other cheek" (Matt 5:38/39).
Neologist replied: Once again, you sidestepped the point. Unrepentant adulterers were to be stoned. Jesus' sacrifice removed the stoning, but did not remove the prohibition. Unrepentant adulterers are spiritually dead.
Romeo said: As for "my congregation", I've said before I'm a free spirit and belong to no church or congregation, I don't need organised religion to do my thinking for me, unlike some..
Neologist replied: Cute.
The first century Christians were organized into congregations. What exempts you?
1- Mate, by saying to me
"Once again you sidestepped the point", you're playing this card, it's an old debating trick-
and because I NEVER sidestep a question, you're also committing the sin of false witness against me in an attempt to discredit me, but i'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you simply didn't understand my reply. If you care to repeat the question (whatever it was) i'll be glad to have another shot at answering for you..

Anyway we've made some progress because you now acknowledge that Jesus DID change the old law by trashing the death sentence for adulteresses, well done..
2- Early Christians simply met up in each others houses for a relaxed natter over cups of tea, and there are still such "house groups" around even today..

If some people want to join big organised religions and formally meet up in churches and halls with ordained ministers and vicars and priests with rules and regulations, it's entirely up to them, but include me out.
For example some years ago, me and my fellow "house group christians" briefly thought of calling ourselves
'Christian Waymarkers' but we never bothered because we couldn't see the point of labelling ourselves.
You've seen the list of my fan mail which I posted, those people are from all over the world and we see no need to have to organise ourselves into a group or meet up anywhere, we simply keep in touch va the internet, so in a sense our "congregation" is spread all over the world, not confined to some meeting hall somewhere..