Is there such a thing as absolute law?
If the answer is yes, then there must be absolute morality.
Take gravity for example. Though not fully understood, we know we cannot defy its law. Those laws must be followed.
If we go against certain laws, we know what the result will be. For example, {WARNING! PLEASE TO NOT TRY THIS ANYWHERE!) turn on the gas in an enclosed building, and then bet someone you can out a match as quickly as you light it. Get ready to draw the match. Ready. Set. GO!
Why are there fixed laws that dictate, or follow the law of causality?
Since they are fixed, organized, and non-random, were they directed, and ordered?
I can't think of any answer as to how that can be without a law setter.
If anyone has a better answer, I would really be interested in hearing.
If there is a law giver, then morality is set - absolute. Going against absolute morals would result in chaos.
I think that accurately describes this world.
Of course there are other reasons why I am sure there is absolute morality, but I though I'd start here.