I've just realised that this song refers to a children's game that most of us Brits played as kids.
He's from the North, so they possibly sing it differently up there, but us in the Sarf didn't sing "Queenie eye", just queenie.
One nominated person would look the other way while all the other little herberts arranged for one of them to secrete a ball (usually a tennis ball) somewhere about their person.
The seeker would then turn round and recite:
Queenie, queenie, who's got the ball?
Is he fat or is he small?
Is he short or is he tall?
Queenie queenie who's got the ball?
If memory serves me right, the seeker would then study the group and see if anyone had gone red or was trying not to grin.
God knows what happened then, as usually a football game was starting up somewhere so I was distracted.