Thu 11 Apr, 2013 12:53 pm
my friends and I have faced much problems since this morning with facebook chat in pidgin. (XMPP protocol). connection is not stable so anyone can't chat with facebook.
can somebody help me to solve this problem?
my pidgin is 2.10.1 and my friend's pidgins are 2.10.6 and 2.10.7.
awaiting for your reply.
thank you in advance.
I, for one, have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
(But I'm sure someone will turn up who understands this esoterica.)
Julia my reaction is like Andy's, I'm flummoxed as with so many such OP's in a2k, the assumption being that we all know about everything
just use your phone.
not to get on facebook.
Try contacting pidgin support directly.
Folks, this is a chat client - a kind of application - that they are having issues with.