Thu 4 Apr, 2013 07:28 pm
Hi, I have 50 Likes on my page yet only 40 of them show up when you check See All. Is there a limit to how many Likes will actually be displayed on a page? I have not changed any settings. I used to get notified in my email every time someone Liked us, and now I dont. I need to know this for a promo we are running! Can anyone help me? I wrote to fb help and didnt get a response.
Thanks in advance.
The people who have "liked" your page may have their own privacy preferences set in such a way that you aren't able to see their info. One of the reasons people do this is because of things like the promo you say you are going to run.
As for your own email notification preferences, go through all your settings and confirm that you still have selected the box that allows Facebook to send you email notifications for selected actions.