I have the same problem. My email address has been terminated (domain name sold for $$$ but not by me, so it's greed again). So i had to change to another email address. I decided to get my own name.com. I've changed most of my email login, adresses etc. However I didnt change the one of Skype. I rarely call using skype. Now i tried to login and i'd forgotten my login credentials. I've been asked to provide Skype with the most riducules questions: What where your last two calls? How in the world would anyone remember the last calls? If that was yesterday I most likely would remember but then I'd probably would remember my login details as well! But not 9 or 11 months ago.. This clearly are rules setup by people who have no clue about customer needs and service. Some people behind a desk thinking of some 'security' questions only the owner can answer.
I've been in contact with customer service but as with most of those service departments you're just a number, and empty face. I explained them exactly what had happened and the fact that remembering phone conversations such a long time ago is impossible. The answer was everytime the same: We're so sorry. Please give answers to... (all the same questions again).
How thick and desperate must you be in order to sit there and always answering customer complainst with the same answer?
I've asked to give my balance to a charity, well you knwo what charity that is? SKYPE!
I hate them and in all fairness they have not improved (in general VOIP hasnt improved) over the last 10-15 years, although technology has!