Obamacares Medicaid Expansion is Awesome for Slackers

Reply Sun 24 Feb, 2013 08:59 pm
As a professed slacker and idler who works only as a necessary evil as little as I have to so I can get by this law as Florida plans to do it is awesome for me.

1. Its based only on income and they cannot make you work at all, more than you want to and you can choose to reduce your income to qualify for medicaid. Thats right its not illegal to tell them okay I don't want to work more this is my income, I qualify so GIMME!

2. Under the rules here if its an HMO Medicaid plan there is no out of pocket costs which is awesome its really free at this time for the poor.

3. Its not even an issue for taxes since the ACA won't touch the very poor there is no hidden costs for slackers to get the Medicaid coverage.

Even in states with a pay per service its still a sweet deal for those who just are slackers like me, a few dollars here and there is awesome.

I give Obamacare five couches out of five for this part of Obamacare!
Reply Sun 24 Feb, 2013 09:22 pm
Yes slacker you and your children if any should be allowed to died on the streets as the society should not offer any kind of aid to people like you in fact perhaps we should not wait until you get sick but instead round you up and put you into a work to death camp.

Strange is it not that the rest of the advance world do not care if someone is a slacker or whatever but shamefully think that anyone who need medical care should get that care?
Reply Sun 24 Feb, 2013 09:56 pm
BillRM wrote:

Yes slacker you and your children if any should be allowed to died on the streets

Oh, he has children.

Three of them, as well as a wife.

Why else would they require the five couches he mentions?
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Reply Sun 24 Feb, 2013 10:11 pm
If you don't mind being poor, that is OK with me.

I was lucky to be born to upper-middle class family. I was given access to great public schools and as a teenager was exposed to the engineering profession (an opportunity that only upper middle kids get) that really shaped my life. And, I am white and male which has never hurt anyone.

Of course I worked to get a good education and I now work hard as an engineer. I am paid quite well for my efforts, I get the opportunity to travel (which to me makes life worth while).

So with a combination of luck and work I live a life even more comfortable than my upper-middle class parents did.

I don't buy the idea that anyone wants to be poor. And even if they did choose poverty, I don't think letting people die in the streets makes my life any better.

I suspect you are trying to make a political point here.

As a successful upper-middle engineer who is grateful for the opportunities my country has given me, I don't mind giving back a little to help my fellow countrymen who haven't been so lucky.

For the record, I am not too fond of Obamacare. We should truly provide decent, efficient healthcare for all Americans with a government run, single-payer system.
Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2013 07:03 am
For the record, I am not too fond of Obamacare. We should truly provide decent, efficient healthcare for all Americans with a government run, single-payer system.

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Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2013 07:33 am
Don't get a chance to do this very often, Bill...so allow me to agree strongly with the sentiment you are expressing here...even as revised below in your agreement with Max's comment.

Not sure what tkolter was trying to sell here, but "just let 'em die" is never going to be a decent option.
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Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2013 07:42 am
I think we scared TKolter off. Reason will often do that with these people.
Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2013 02:15 pm
Unmarried and no children if I did I would work more than I do but I do live with my family being disabled makes some help needed for housing and things. But I do work I'm a Busker (sidewalk performer), can make jewelry out of seashells being in Florida a hot item sold online and am trained and work as a tarot card reader and astrologer. I just need to earn enough for my needs that is around $400 a month (a monthly discounted bus pass and my share of the internet is my biggest expenses). I can do that in anywhere from 16 to 40 hours a month Busking is my big income maker if there is a great local event like Free Museum Day I can make over $400 in ten hours of work then take the rest of the month off.

But this is all not illegal like I said I can only be dealt with on my family support and income I make and that is both under the 133% of the poverty line which is all that matters.

Put it this way its family taking care of me and me working I could be on Section 8, SSI, Food Stamps and such plus Medicaid if I wanted to but I like working some. Just again not more than I have to if my family support left me I could make enough to get by.

I'm a Idler, Lounger or Slacker but do try to enjoy my life and live very modestly by choice.

But my original post is true I can go into the social worker and tell them here is my income, no I will not work more and there is no legal power you have to compel me to in the ACA so put me on Medicaid. For the county health services plan which is what I could use they would require me to work more, or apply for SSI or go to school and tie that to health care. So I favor the Medicaid expansion it gives me more freedom and less strings to deal with.
Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2013 02:55 pm
I don't have a problem with that if you don't.

I don't want you to die from not having health care, and I certainly would like you to get preventative services because it is cheaper than emergency care. As I said, I want for our government to give you a simpler free healthcare provided by the government.

If you don't want to work to better your life, that's your business. That doesn't change the fact that you need health care.

You should be grateful for Obamacare's medicaid expansion. It helps you and it is a step in the right direction.

Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2013 03:01 pm
So what?

Why would we wish to allowed such a person as you are claiming to be to die on the streets due to lack of health care?

All other advance nations on the planet in fact does far more in insuring that no one died be them slackers or not slackers for lack of health care and in my opinion that as it should be.

However if you feel bad about getting such health care you are free to refused such care after all.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2013 03:20 pm
In my defense also I never earned more than 133% of the poverty line even when I worked 30 hours or more a week and never could afford health care out of pocket or to get insurance. So regardless I would be on Medicaid just working more.

And I am grateful for the insurance offered its a good thing.

Ever consider the benefits of working less I don't mind working more but don't have to and if I made more wouldn't know what to spend the money on.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2013 03:37 pm
Bill, Max...

One of the things I’ve mentioned several times during discussions of issue like this one is…

…there are some people who do more good for over-all productivity by just staying the hell out of the way.

We all know them…we’ve worked with them. They are the people who help best…by not helping; the people who increase the productivity of an office or factory by calling in sick. (And they are not just grunts; many are bosses…big money makers.)

Apparently tkolter is one of those people…whether by choice or by circumstance. He doesn’t want to work…and by being unmotivated, he most likely will not add appreciably to productivity…and may well likely be a negative to it.

People like this do us a big favor by not taking up a slot someone else could use to better advantage of our productivity. I’m glad you both see that we do ourselves no favors by letting them starve; freeze in the streets; or die from lack of adequate medical attention.

The day will come soon when the low producers will be culled from the work force; only the truly productive will be allowed to work. And the fruits of their production will feed, clothe, house us all…with the workers getting plenty of compensation for being lucky enough to be a producer.
Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2013 04:40 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Apparently tkolter is one of those people…whether by choice or by circumstance. He doesn’t want to work…and by being unmotivated, he most likely will not add appreciably to productivity…and may well likely be a negative to it.

Frank the total value of a human being should not be judge by his or her worth as a part of the society economic engine!!!!!!!!!!

We are far from being in a society where we need to send our old people and our cripples out into the wildness to died to allow us to have the resources to bring up the next generation and for the tribe therefore to survive.

I can remember when my heart broke when in rescuing a staving mother cat with four kittens that by the time I had gotten to her she had decided that the smallest and weakest kitten needed to die in order to allow her others kittens to have a chance to live.

She refused to allow this kitten to nurse and the poor thing had given up on living. Even when I offer food to her the kitten just would look at it and not until I held her in one hand and offer her the food with the other and loving her up would she eat for me.

This kind of behavior is needed when it come to an animal doing her very best to allow some of her offsprings to live and sadly in some places to this day humans mothers need to do the same thing however not in this society.
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2013 04:42 pm
Frank the total value of a human being should not be judge by his or her worth as a part of the society economic engine!!!!!!!!!!

I didn't say it was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Read what I wrote...rather than what you suppose I said.
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Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2013 05:58 pm
@Frank Apisa,
My reading of Tkolter's posts as that they represent a lame attempt of a Teabagger to make a political point.

I believe it is weak sarcasm.
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 26 Feb, 2013 07:06 am
Could be, Max.

I'm taking it seriously mostly because, for the most part, it sounds like my life.

Don't get me wrong...I am anything but a slacker. If I work, I give every boss the 100% hoped for; the extra 10% hoped for...and almost always throw in another large percentage just because of my personal self respect.

But I've quit jobs in phone calls...and for reasons others might consider insane. And any job, no matter how decently paying, that started to bore me...I left.

This MAY BE an accurate description of Tkolter's situation.

In any case, even if he is making a point in the other direction...I am happy for the chance to turn it around and make a point about our need to show humanity towards one another...even the lazy, slackers, or marginally productive among us.
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Reply Tue 26 Feb, 2013 09:15 am
My reading of Tkolter's posts as that they represent a lame attempt of a Teabagger to make a political point.

Agree as the root posting did not sound at all real to me either.

I can see a teabagger valuing the worth of a human life by what kind of a economic worker bee the person happen to be but not too many others doing so.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Feb, 2013 09:25 am
I was on the way to City Hall downtown one day, and stopped at a neighborhood store in the hood. I passed a post-adolescent girl as I was walking out and she said to me, "thanks for the snacks." I gave her a puzzled look, and she smirked and said something like, "you're paying for my chips and soda." I got what she meant, and I said, "you're welcome, enjoy" with a smile.
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 26 Feb, 2013 09:39 am
I was on the way to City Hall downtown one day, and stopped at a neighborhood store in the hood. I passed a post-adolescent girl as I was walking out and she said to me, "thanks for the snacks." I gave her a puzzled look, and she smirked and said something like, "you're paying for my chips and soda." I got what she meant, and I said, "you're welcome, enjoy" with a smile.

Good one, InfraBlue.

And in my opinion, sharing things like chips and soda...and some other easily available amenities of life with those who cannot or will not contribute...is not too large a price to pay. In any case, most of those people do us a favor by staying out of the way.
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 26 Feb, 2013 09:39 am
@Frank Apisa,
BILL...try not to misread what I just wrote.

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