Is this one you displayed before? It looks like a "bull quartz" vein and the other side of the rock has been eroded away or else its been fractured off.
1SOAK the rock in vinegar or a very dilute muriatic acid (HCl)
We normally use HCl for anything carbonate but I only use a dropper bottle with 0.! N cid)
Acetic works slower but you can see it fizz.
If it fizzes, its calcite or limestone, if it doesnt fizz at first but fizzes AFTER you take a small piece and pulverize it and then drop some acid on it, then you hve MAgnesium Calcium Carbonate (DOLOMITE). If it doesnt fizz at all, Id say its quartz (Which , I am 95% sure)
The metallic looking stuff is interesting but without a microscope or Xray, I cant give a definitive answer.
See if you can make a little magnet stick to it, if not, its not enough iron , so it may be silver or low concentration nickel sulfide.
Then, hold a lit match to the metallic looking stuff and see if you can smell sulfur. If so, its a sulfide min, if not, its an oxide