farmerman wrote:'I shall be in no greater a discomfort than I was before I was born"
Yes. I guess so.
But being agnostic, while I don't know that there is some sort of afterlife awaiting us all, I also don't know that there isn't (and I fervently hope that there is).
And I suppose that for any one individual, "the possibility that the universe will suddenly cease to exist tomorrow" isn't much different from "the possibility that they will be run over by a bus tomorrow".
In any case, for the sake of whatever humans are alive when the universe switches off, I hope the wave of death travels at the speed of light, so they don't have a month or two to think about humanity's imminent extinction.
I just did a little reading to try to figure out whether doomsday will travel at exactly the speed of light or not (no luck figuring it out), and I stumbled across this on Wikipedia:
"The addition of gravity to the story leads to a considerably richer variety of phenomena. The key insight is that a false vacuum with positive potential energy density is a de Sitter vacuum, in which the potential energy acts as a cosmological constant and the Universe is undergoing the exponential expansion of de Sitter space."
Sounds like the false vacuum could explain the 'dark energy' phenomenon that is causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate.