Hi, MD
Sorry to hear about your loved one. You have my best wishes in regard to his/her recovery and your fortitude in dealing with the crisis.
I noticed that you have a sort of "God of the gaps" view of
free will in relation to determinism. I think I understand now your view of determinism.
I think our general confusion is what would "free will" be to you. You have defined it (to my understanding) merely as the polar opposite of determinism.
MD wrote:3. I would probably define determinism as the view that, in principle, the universe is predictable and runs according to laws of causation. I.e. if you could freeze frame the universe and could know the position of every atom then you would be able (based on current positions and past trajectories) to predict their next move.
Like a discussion of God, if you ask someone if they think it exists, you will get many different responses depending on what "God" means.
If you are asking me what "free will" means I would say that it is un-caused causation. For a visual metaphore, if you were taking the clockwork universe view (which I think you do) then this would be like a gear in the clock spinning without being spun by some other gear.
I happened to be a realist (unlike some of the others who have posted on this thread). I would consider myself also a compatibilist, but this is NOT because I think that the reality is non-existent nor even that it is non-deterministic at it foundational level. It has to do with "emergent" behaviors even within deterministic models (computer models).
I think that your clock-work universe model is simply acting as a disservice to you. The model is too simplistic, it is not an accurate description of reality, it is not even an accurate description of ideal deterministic reality within mathematical systems.
Clocks are not computational (well they kind of are
now, but that's a whole 'nother story

Again my hopes for you and your loved one.