I was in there with my abuzz name and number last time I looked, and with my real name with the word " paintings" after it..and that is me. Also some stupid local newspaper quote by me..eek.
I've got the same name as a well known New Zealand international rugby player. So there's heaps of references-but none to me.
My screen name returned my birthday thread on this site!
Odd ... I seem to have diminished in Google's estimation. Some months ago, I punched myself in out of curiosity, and I had many more hits (mostly from UseNet) than I currently return. This must mean I'm in my declining years ... which would correspond with what my arthritis tells me.
Of the posts from Diane to Timberlandko, only ossobuco is in Google as herself. Hmmm.
Diane, Glad to see that the witness protection program is effective. Don't worry. Your secret is safe with us.
Maximom is headed to London to see her street.
Wilso, A rugby team. Tres cool.
Sorry about the arthritis, Timberlandko. Also sorry to hear that your fame is diminishing, Google-wise. Fret not. You'll always be a star with us.
Hello there, Roberta
Couldn't resist checking - Yep ms olga is there.
A2K stuff: date of subscribing, threads started, etc. ... & one Abuzz thread that I was involved in.
PLUS lots of Russian references ...
Very interesting!
My last name is a very, very common word online, so you'd never find me even if you knew my name...
Thanks, Roberta. The Google matter doesn't particularly concern me; it really isn't, in my estimation, a valid indicator of personal worth. As for the arthritis, I feel sorry for the young'ns who wake up in the morning feeling the best they will all day ... for me, things get better as I start moving around a bit ....
timber -
ain't that what bogart said about nondrinkers? i know i've seen that somewhere recently...
timber, yeah, I useta have several pages of hits on my real name -- now just those 7.
Patiodog, I thought of you when I saw this:
Quote:On the conservative side, the journalist David Brooks, writing in The Weekly Standard, introduced us to Patio Man, so named because of his love for complex outdoor grills purchased at cavernous home-improvement stores. Patio Man (and his wife, the Realtor Mom) live in ''Sprinkler Cities,'' otherwise known as exurbs, and tend to vote Republican.
And Google doesn't even have everything. For example, I'm listed in
www.martindalehubble.com but that listing isn't picked up by Google.
Well I checked my moniker and found an abuzz posting and a link to my profile page. Everything else is not me. However I was fascinated to find that Heeven is often a typing mistake on a web-page where people meant to say "he even" not heeven.
Plus it also means something in another language - German I think.
Or it is a slang term for Heaven. Never knew all that. Interesting stuff!
I Do Not Think So
Well, my own experiment with my first and family names did not reveal any results. Well, if my name was Otto Bismarck or John F. Kennedy, I would find lots of links, but I believe these would have nothing to do with my humble person -- they would point to information on the former German Reichskanzler or the 35th President of the USA.
I made another experiment: searched for my user name -- it is the same on many sites I use to visit. I got only one result: some Abuzz discussion where my response was considered being the most valuable. I have more than 1,000 responses on Abuzz, but none of them were revealed except this particular one.
I tried another search engines: part of them did not produce any search results, and some brought me to the same link, allegedly copied from Google.
IMHO, people seriously exaggerate abilities of Google and the stemming dangers to privacy.
Heeven, I do not know German, but I checked the online German-English dictionary, and did not find any word that would coincide with your moniker. Maybe, this word is Dutch?
I'm quite googlefied.
Under my real name -which I once deemed as not too common- you can find, besides myself, a man killed in a US car accident, another one who wants marijuana legalised, a founder of Monterrey in the XVI Century, a soldier tortured to death in the XVII Century, two minor league baseball players (US and Puerto Rico), a polo player in Argentina, a professor of linguistics in Spain, a fiscal expert in Nicaragua, an amateur long distance runner in AndalucĂa and a candidate for the Green Party in the Canary Islands.
By telling that you are the namesake of the Monterrey founder, Fbaezer, you have disclosed your identity. It took less than 1 minute to reveal your real names with help of the Google search machine, using "Monterrey" and "history" as keywords. I shall not publicize your name, since I am not authorized to do this, but now you may consider yourself being completely "googlefied".

By all means, it is pleasant to know that one of the forum participants is a descendant of the Spanish noblesse family...
Although a2k is hardly a fair sampling of the world population, I am getting the impression that Google's reach is being exaggerated in the media. This is not to suggest that it doesn't contain a tremendous amount of information. It does. But from the stories I had been reading, people were checking out their dates on Google--and finding their dates with little difficulty. I have to wonder who the people in the news stories are going out with.
msolga, So you found your online name and many Russian references. No surprise there.
patiodog, Your name is too common to find specific references to you. I have to assume that this happens to most people with fairly common names. My last name is very uncommon, and I was under the impression that people who shared this name were relatives of mine. They are. But I also found a music group with the name. That was a bit of a shock.
timberlandko, I know what you mean about getting up in the morning. I improve as the day progresses. I'd hate to think that the way I feel when I wake up in the morning is going to be as good as it gets. And you're right. Being Googlified is hardly a measure of self-worth--or any other kind of worth.
sozobe, Your seven hits under your actual name is fairly impressive. Turn that frown upside down.
Heeven, So you're linked to typos of "he even." I like that. It never occurred to me that typos would be enshrined in Google, but of course they would be.
Steissd, Just one hit? Surprising. I agree that the reach of Google and other Web sources are exaggerated.
fbaezer, So you're on Google along with some others with the same name from the past and present? Thanks to Steissd for not posting your name here. Maybe you would like to delete that bit of information?
Roberta, it is important how to hit the "search" key in order to get a required result. It is necessary to use the most appropriate keywords, and to employ all the necessary filters for not to drown in the information flood. I have rich experience in search with help of Google, and it enables me to prepare essays on the issues that I had had no idea about prior to having been asked for help by my friend's nephew. I retrieve the necessary information in a quarter an hour (in the worst case), and easily compile the essay required. And Fbaezer has provided too much information on himself making his real name retrieval a very easy task: there is only one Monterrey in the country he lives in, and it was founded by a particular person and not by some group...
I do not descend from the founder of Monterrey.
But he came to America from the Canary Islands, that's where my grandfather (and my last name) came from.
There are three theories regarding my last name: one is a family patronimical for a Saint who died tortured as a child; another is a derivation for "peasant"; the last -the one preferred by my father- is that the last name is really Jewish, and got "spanishised" when all Jews in Spain were forced to convert to Catholicism.
If you already took the trouble, then I don't care if you find out my real name.