@Joe Nation,
Hey joe, where you goin' with that gun.... Oops wrong wrong thread
Thanks for your concern, but if its any consolation the last drought ended a couple of years ago and we've been in el nina since. But like a compadre said previously we've long been a dry continent. The monsoon has come a bit late this year making conditions in the south more fire prone, especially since el nina boosted vegetation growth.
I think you mentioned we were building desalination plants all over the place, but that's not actually true, in fact the last one, built in Brisbanea few years ago, was seen as a white elephant in the last state election which tossed out the incumbent. Here's the list
Three built, three under construction.
Not to say that the need won't arise again.
The beauty of climate change is its a dice roll that we can't predict

Maybe well get wetter, maybe the gulf stream will change and Britain will look like Iceland..