I asked: Tell me what you think, feel and understand and I'll to tell you who you are.
You answered: Pretentious rubbish!
Ordinary language is basically oral.
Punctuation marks and special symbols are used in the Theory of ideogeny (TI) to establish specific ideas. You can use any sign except the hyphen ( - ) and parentheses ( ) ) that already have a role in TI. You can not use numbers either.
Examples: S: S; S' S" S/ S\ S> S< S. S, S! S? S= S# S^ (use in that order).
Each of these sensings is different of the other. They can use the numbers (3, 2, 1) to establish the degree of association. S:3 S;2 S'1
S: can be a table, S; a chair and S' a book. In front of the object.
S): can be the representation of a table, S); a chair and S)' a book. In the absence of the object.
8: can be an accident, 8; a robbery and 8' attacked by a lion.
Examples: C: C; C' C" C/
C: can be table, C; chair and C' book. The concept.
O: can be believe in God, O; in ghosts and O' in the deads.
Q: may be the intuition of infinity, Q; of the space and Q' of the time.
Examples: A: A; A' A" A/
A: may be interest in reading, A; interest in playing some sports and A' love for a person.
Examples: V: V; V' V" V/
V: can be altruism, V; faith and V' justice. (social attitudes).