Sat 13 Mar, 2004 07:11 pm
All Robots Break Down in Pentagon Race

Could this really be that tough of a challenge? I remember having a pet thought about assembling a team to create such a machine and splitting up the money. I was afraid we wouldn't win... It never dawned on me none would even finish! I'm going for it in 2006... All I need it a team of specialists that no the little details I don't.
(Like everything)
You're a trier, Bill - I!
Shucks, all we need in an old shopping cart, some coffee cans, a lid from a galvanized trash barrel and $320,000 in electronic servos, receivers and cables.
Damn it Joe! Why didn't I meet you sooner. We could have split the other $679,950!
The Pentagon has the right idea but they should hold these races every year. There used to be a similar trial in New England, in the early 1990's for solar powered vehicles. Some of the entries early on were literally duct taped and wired together, but they got better each year. The race was on regular roads and the distance if I remember correctly was 100 miles. I remember getting stuck in traffic once behind one of them that was speeding along at 25 mph, (pedal to the metal).
it is not too late - is it?
I couldn't agree more Acquiunk. Not only could the Pentagon benefit from the minds of the masses, but then I wouldn't have to wait till 06 for my share of the cash!
There is a long annual solar car race here - they are getting pretty fast!
I don't know what happened to the one in New England, it has fallen out of the news and I haven't heard of it for several years.
I can see the mad professer now. O'Bill screaming It's Alive, It's Alive!
Acqu, I think because electric cars are on the verge of becoming the next big thing. Hybred cars are waiting in the wings. Or so I've been led to believe.
Never doubt the ability of the hopelessly obsessive compulsive! IT'S ALIVE! I just don't know if I can spare the time away from my other pet project. (producing free energy)
By rubbing? (Innocent look...)
No, that takes energy.
You gotta get someone else to do the rubbing.
Or maybe, Bill is talking about my free energy plan that worked so well for so long. This is many years ago.
It consisted of a 100 foot 10 gauge extension cord and a midnight visit to my neighbor's fuse panel.
Ah, air conditioning!
heres the deal. Everybody was overthinking this. The robots were built from the ground-up. i submit we get an old jeep and hook it up with a tv and remote 9of course well need only about 100K of servos and actuators) Badabing, instant robot. Ill even paint it like a monster garage contestant.
Okay, now we are talking. I'll call my friend Slick and see if he's still got that jeep in his sideyard, you go down to the Radio Shack and get a couple sets of walkie talkies.
Oh, and we'll need some springs. Springs always come in handy.
howbout a midget? think theyd notice?
Monkey, they're trainable and easier to fit under the seat.
My first wife is only 4 foot nine and she's a pretty good driver.
Now if we were only on speaking terms................
Okay, I think I've solved one of the problems! Does GPS work through fiberglass and/or kevlar?
If you are referring to my ex-brother in law Gene P. Smithson, known all over Catoosa as gps (prounounced gyps) that sumbitch hasn't ever worked a day in his life through anything bigger than a can of Coors.
What kind of beer is kelvar?