How memory works is overall identical per 'untampered' Human being.
In contrast below that, it is variable per every human being.
I never could remember what day I had exactly what meal, whilst I could remember phone numbers easily, if trying.
Memory works best when one asserts 'to remember'. Failing to assert that in normal every day function, leaves us pondering if we have flaws.
Recall of those things that you learned in school was not performed enough to imprint the facts throughout more important information's acquisition.
There are vast explanations about the nature of memory failure which spiral down a shocking rabbithole. One thing one must know about that is..
'there is nothing you lose, without equivalent gain, you only must find it'.
That makes slight sense, in fact the world mills around trying to make people feel better with all manner of alterations to peoples worlds, which is only confusing, when speed of reaction is often increased and often decreased at the same time on different axis of consciousness, per argument around the nature of perceptual situations.
There are ways to explain memory in fascinating ways, which might make it seem more diverse, in fact those explanations are very true.. However, explaining it is hard.
I would state, that, the most important thing to know about it for the youth of today.. Is that alterations through substance abuse, will change 'you' eventually, that is not good if you appreciate 'who you are'.
Your Macbeth, may have had impact at receptive energy point, sometimes we just learn, other times we are heightened.