And Contrex, that is not a logic in a world of separate minds, not a logic which can be classed as true at very least. It is a negative angled retaliation, in the guise of relativistic comprehension.
To suggest that the one focus has an opinion about the external instantly means those same opinions apply to themselves, is foolish when dealing with 'persons' who are different and someone is completely betraying the truth they explain.
Setana repeatedly countered his own views with no explanation.
Perhaps he would like to request a complete 'teaching' on the nature of 'duality', since he seems to see a Guru!
In fairness to him though, it could have been better, he would be right if he said that I did not try incredibly hard to understand before just talking, it is just that there are many ways of viewing the term 'curses'.. Not merely the one used locally to yourself, some are more troublesome than others and the OP: was merely having a bit of a slight issue with their own worry, perhaps amplified by co-incidence, perhaps not.
Yeah yeah yeah Setana.. six word wonder! Stick your head in a grammar book and praise your supreme intellect! (you know he will).