First of all, in case you haven't figured out (it's hard from my username), I'm an older woman. I have a medical background but am no expert on all this.
I think I remember sleepwalking as an older child and sure heard about it. In my case it was down a staircase, but I didn't fall, so I get falling but that doesn't seem what you are describing.
I've also fainted recently from low blood pressure. That may be going on with you, but I've no idea.
I no longer remember all the ins and outs of diabetes, but I think that can be related which is why Vonny would ask.
As a non expert, I think that because of your generally low nutrients, perhaps including minerals, that you are subject to some possible gaps in your body working.
You know I am wanting you to get back into a diet of regular nutrients, preferably not by pills by via real food, but in any case, nutrients.