Thu 27 Dec, 2012 04:24 am
The secret to life
is to lose the fear
of petting the dirty rat
sniffing the garbage
swimming in disease
running in circles
so large
they deceitfully appear
as straight forward lines
The secret to life
is to embrace
the idiot
proudly wearing
the dunce hate
shitting your pants
for a laugh
being a mockery
a monkey
a jester
answering questions
with ridiculous answers
leaving everyone thinking
"Is this guy
******* serious?"
Fooling everyone into believing
you are the fool
The secret to life
is to say "no"
to what everyone desperately
replies "yes"
denying the beauty
because her nose
didn't seem quite right
turning down
that high paying job
because your personality
cannot be contained
by rules or a cubicle
not buying a car
because the gas prices
cut into your
alcoholic funds
because living
isn't worth it
if it's beyond your budget
The secret to life
Is just simply
being you
regardless of
how ridiculous
how idiotic
how unbelievable
how taboo
others may utter
in words
as whispers
in an insecure ear
The secret to life
is saying
"**** you"