@reasoning logic,
There is nothing amazing about it mate...
Someone sat there and purposly took the time to try to piece every word together...Just to make people marvel at it....Like it has a significance but it does not mean anything special....
For instance...
If I was to say that "God is great for the will of man...."
Anyone out there could put words before it and after it so it read the exact same reverse...Or opposite if you wanted too...
So that it could read....Man of will thefor great is God....
And make it look like God is great...
It just depends on what you actually are trying to say...
You could do the same with trying to say that God is not....
And if you took enough time you could make them say the reverse....
"God is good for will of man"
"Man of will for good is God"
Now the opposite...
"Good for God is man of desire"
Saying it would help God, if we wish him...
"Desire of man is God for Good"
If we wish, God is forever...
The first implies he needs our help..If we want to help him...
The second implies that if we want him, he is there forever...Meaning he has all the answers...And we can only find them through him...And there is no other way...
Have you ever seen the Bible Code?