He's calling up the Blue Meanies, beware.
I'll add, as I said a few times, I don't care that much about the use of accepted universal pronouns, though I understand the sturm and drang a bit. I was in a premed program where there were max 5 women in a large university, and few women at all were admitted to accredited med schools in the US, and I think also in Canada. The data was extraordinary (not sure of the year, '61, '62 or '63). By far the majority of schools admitted no women at all.
I think it was similar but probably less dire with law school admissions. The arguments I tended to hear and read were that women would just leave medicine - after having been given a place in med school, ingrates or hormone driven, to marry and bear children. Sure, some women probably agreed with that at the time, but I was steered away from such interests by the nuns and then later by university types. In high school, I took it that my catholic vocation was to be a Single Woman in the World, since I couldn't do both.
A friend at my high school didn't have her transcripts sent, they told her it was because she wanted to be an engineer. This all changed with civil rights advances.
Similarly, I've seen a lot of bias against homosexuals, me being so old and all. I had some of that bias myself way back when.
I see that it is possible that a universal pronoun will confuse the young about whether girls get to do stuff in life. But given the progress I've seen, lived through, it doesn't agitate me unduly.