Any decent evaluator would explain to you in detail why you received a less-than-acceptable evaluation.
Ask the headmistress exactly what you did incorrectly and take notes. Also ask her how she likes it done.
We follow a couple of protocols here, but I have no idea what teaching is like there. Considering America's horrific lack of success, any information I give you could make things worse. *snort*
1. Introduce the concept to be taught. Explain the standard or objective.
2. Explain new domain-specific vocab or terms they'll need to know to get through the lesson.
3. Model the skill.
4. Let them practice the skill with no pressure - like in a collaborative group.
5. Let them work on the skill on a more individual level - manipulate it.
6. Perform some low-risk formative assessment to see who's getting it - who needs remediation, more help.
7. Those that do get the concept can move up to more challenging material while you reach back and assist struggling learners to grasp the concept. Sometimes those quick learners can work with struggling learners a la Vygotsky-styled peer instruction.
Keep in mind this is American and we suck hard at education.
I prefer Project Based learning, but it's effing complicated to explain past the basic definition.