Consider yourself engaged if not already totally married to the idea of adding your poetry to the previous post in a seamless segue of semantic suspense. All posts of complete or partial poems are to be sapphic ie:
Petrarchan sonnet: "abba abba cde cde" or "abba abba cdc cdc".
Shakespearean sonnet: "abab cdcd efef gg".
Simple 4-line: "abcb"
Spenserian sonnet: "abab bcbc cdcd ee".
Onegin stanzas: "aBaBccDDeFFeGG" with lowercase letters representing assonant rhymes and the uppercase representing end-rhymes
Anyone failing the metre and rhyme test will feel the foot of odium. Contributors are encouraged to gives marks out of 10 for the work which immediately precedes their own. Sardonicism should be thoroughly eschewed and any references to cats that chewed my new shoes should be balanced by doggerel and inadvertent plagiarism. I open with: