I was chipotle once, then I went on a word games riff.
In my first official act since becoming a "Seasoned Member," I would like to take this opportunity to ....
Nice, Ticomaya! Poor Gus!
Hey... you stole my slapping Gus pic!
You know what they say about imitation ...
In my defense I stole it from O'Bill. It was he, I believe, who stole it from you.
Geez, I'd hate to be around when that pitchfork is let loose. I've heard <just a rumour> that Gus's skill with this dangerous implement is both terrifying yet strangely beautiful to watch.
Be fore warned.
You got me. I'm the thief. Some work is so beautiful it simply must be shared.
Hey... the more the merrier!!
Where the hell is gus anyway?
Plotting revenge, no doubt.
I can see it now... a capybara trained to assassinate those who slap gus. He creeps up behind you, crawls up your pant legs and quickly makes his way for the jugular... I'd better start watching my back.
Holy Crap! Now I'm a Veteran Member!
What do I get to do to Gus now?
Doesn't he need a buzz cut?
OCCOM BILL wrote: Now I'm a Veteran Member!
Becoming a veteran member on A2K entitles you to a fifty dollar gift certificate assignable to the therapist of your choice.
That obvious there must be something wrong, eh?