Quote:so the "dear heart" that you use when addressing Firefly means you consider her a friend?
It's more a refection of a patronizing, and demeaning, attitude on BillRM's part, that surfaces with other posters as well, but decidedly more often toward me. He's been repeatedly told it's offensive, but he continues to do it anyway.
When BillRM can't meaningfully address the topic, he falls back on being merely deliberately annoying.
Most of the time, when BillRM refers to me in his posts, it's a highly fictionalized, distorted version of my views he puts forth, in a rather lame attempt to create a deliberate mis-perception of me in the mind of the reader. Why he engages in such nonsense seems related to his feelings of being in some sort of competition with me that he's trying to win with an unseen audience. He's very caught up in some crazy obsession with me, and often uses me, or rather just my name and his mythological conception of me, as a straw-man to argue against because no one else is really engaging with him. He even brings up my name in threads I'm not involved with. I find it all rather weird, extremely curious, and very tedious by now.
I'd be more than happy if BillRM just ignored my posts--he rarely accurately comprehends, or accurately reflects, or accurately responds to, what I've really said--and I do wish he'd knock off the sarcastic and patronizing "dear" and "dear heart" and "dear friend" forms of address. Neither of those things is likely to happen, of course, but one can hope...and look forward to the day when I may be able to block him from seeing my posts.

Whatever will the "dear boy" do then?