Thu 4 Mar, 2004 11:11 pm
Wouldn't you look mad if your owner did this to you with the shavers?
Click here for source
Think these guys were at the same party?
I'm sure glad I wasn't born a cat...
I've heard of this stuff being done with dogs, but I've never met a cat that would put up with this. I can't even put a flea collar on my cat without my arm ending up a bloody pulp.
Poor cat with the helmet does not look happy either.
I have seen this before, alas, and am not sooo amused this time, though I still am, a tad. After all, cats are the repositories of human and animal dignity, according to Them. Thus the funniness. But individual cats don't partake as such in all world cat glory, they are just themselves, and it seems mean to do shavies. Mean, I say, mean.
waiting for scratches, oh, look, drawing!!
I don't like it when people shave their dogs either, but I think it's even worse for cats. For one thing, cat's live for licking their fur. Take that away and what's left... Don't answer that...
Cats are boney, lumpy and just flat out ugly without their fur. It seems like it would be extremely uncomfortable for the cat too because of the fur stubbles.
Yes, roverroad, & cats are very proud of their appearance .... AND their coats keep them warm in cold climates, like the US at this time of year. Those cat coats have a function. I know I'm very biased, but I feel rather sorry for this poor little shaved critter & rather repulsed by his/her owner who thinks it's amusing to post these images on the net. Does the cat look happy? No.
Awwww, the poor thing. That's mean.
That IS least the fur will grow back. One of my neighbours got a cat recently and she's going to have it declawed because, as she says, she isn't home enough to train it properly to not claw the furniture. Yeah, now THAT's a good reason.

She shouldn't have that cat.
I agree caprice. A cats claws are the only means they have of defending themselves.
Caprice - Tell her not to declaw the cat, if the cat is to remain indoors she can get - I'm not really sure what they're called but they are a covering for the claw, claw guards maybe. A friend of mine was talking about them the other day.
Yeah, I saw you all mentioning it here at A2K a while back. I should get the info and leave it in her mailbox. Not sure if she's done the deed or not yet. *sighs*
I'm allergic to cats, rarely visit cat threads, came here cause the 2nd picture is the saddest thing. I've seen animals shaved because of surgery but not for humour? Pretty disgusting.
I don't dislike the animals, I just can't be near them. So I don't know much about them. My friends starting discussing their cats while I was with them the other day. Regardless, it was cats blah blah blah cats blah blah cats, I was daydreaming and then they started talking about this cat claw guard stuff. I thought the idea was cool, you know, not harming the cat and all. The idea of pulling the nails out of another being just seems torturous. So if anyone actually knows anything about this stuff, I'd actually like to know what it's called or what it is so I can spread the word.
On behalf of the cat, we have a Maine Coon named Reebok. He is a very big and hairy cat. Maine Coons and rAgdolls have kind of fur that, if not groomed every few hours, will mat terribly. Weve taken to having Reebok clipped once a year by a groomer. The groomer doesnt do the poofy feet thing and poodle tail . Instaed the entire tail is lightly trimmed , however, he does often look really pissed about what weve done to him. Coons like to be with people and will sit at the feet of company so that even cat haters start petting him. however, when he is in his first month or so after a clip, he hides and will not come out for company. but it needs to be done. Anyway, the cat in the picture is just trying to make you pity him.
Caprice, we had the discussion about declawing cats here quite some time ago. In Germany, it is not even allowed. I think it's absolutely terrible. About the claw guards or whatever they are called - someone posted that link once. When I looked at the description, I could not really see Nisse or Mysan putting up with that. They are indoor cats and are alone many hours. They don't scratch furniture. But maybe they are just too lazy...
Well, you really should shave the cat before roasting it. Ever try eating furry meat?
Ah, Slappy! I guess you are right there... furry meat is not good.
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:Well, you really should shave the cat before roasting it. Ever try eating furry meat?
Cut it out, Slappy, or you'll get a thorough spanking!!!!
caprice wrote:She shouldn't have that cat.
Exactly! She doesn't appear to have much sympathy or understanding of the poor critter.
Keep your cats indoors. Best outdoor cat is a dead cat.