Good question. Thanks for asking it.
I heard that briefly the other day Hazlitt but I haven't seen anything more on it. I'd guess if that came from anywhere it would have been in the tons of documents that have been released here in Boston in the last few months.
The Boston Globe has the most comprehensive coverage of this whole thing from what I can see. If anyone wants the daily details you can find them at:
BILLW, thanks for the New Zealand Herald link. I e-mailed the story to the reader ombudsman at the Chicago Tribune, my hometown paper, and asked if it had appeared in the Trib and had I missed it? If not, why not? I'm sure he'll e-mail some sort of answer to me. I'll keep you posted.
FISHIN, I looked through the articles in the Globe, as I had done previously, but could not find a reference to the Pope's letter. However, the article in the NZ Herald would seem to indicate that the letter does exist. Perhaps there is a news blackout in the US. Although, I would suspect that if we can find out about it, it must be pretty widely known.
I didn't run into that specific reference anywhere either although it was mentioned on the news (radio and TV) quite a bit up here. I have no idea why it hasn't gotten more publication.. The way the Boston Globe is tracking things you'd think that would be their centerpiece headline.
So far the ombudsman at the Tribune has not answered me. Maybe he won't, but if not, it'll be the first time.
Hazlitt, Maybe the employees at the Trib that handles such matter are catholics. c.i.
There may be more to the problem than heretofore has been seen ....
Wow! I think it would be a good idea for the catholic church to replace that window! Only a simple suggestion. c.i.
I think it was an sign board.