Thu 4 Oct, 2012 05:20 am
I got the low down skinny from a brilliant member who never, ever lies that Craven is going to turn this site into one, giant cat thread. What ? ! ? ! ? Catses is evil, they is the spawn of SATAN! Every right thinking person knows this. We have to stop him.
Craven is trying to take away your free speech rights! Don't let him get away with it!
isn't cat thread what they use to string tennis rackets?
My dog is not a cat. We will not tolerate this gross unjistuce. If I want to use words like "swell" and "bladder hose" do we not also bleed? In summation, let me point out that cats has kits. Need more be said?
I now fear for my life because I participated in this thread. My roommate's cat spends too much time contemplating new torture techniques such as having me pet him for hours on end. When will my human rights be acknowledged? Can I get into the a2k Canine Witness Protection Program?
Cats won't be happy until we all spend our lives running and fetching for them, feeding them, caressing them . . . stand up for your rights now! Speak out! If we lose our freedom of speech, the cats take over ! ! !
I am afraid of cats made of thread.
OMG . . . they've taken over outer space . . . we're doomed, doomed, it tell you ! ! !
Anyone who is honest can see they're trying to take over. They've already got their claws into RG.
Setanta wrote:
Anyone who is honest can see they're trying to take over. They've already got their claws into RG.
You sayin' he's pussy whipped?
Damn fine thing.
Hey! She said pussy whipped . . . can i get a NSFW tag for my thread?