Electron clouds and quarks and dark matter are enigmatic and complex ...or don't you think so?
Do you understand how science operates? It puts these complexities (such as how Aristotle viewed "motion") into neat categories called terms and relations of the theoretical structure, the frame-of-reference, which it then uses to deduce an implication, make a prediction, and then looks for confirmation. If enough workers in the specific field agree that a result was achieved, they consider it tentatively confirmed; and look for further confirmation. The finding is never fully established but is held onto until an even better theory or experience comes along to supercede it, or to restrict it to a limited domain.
[Aristotle said "motion" is defined as: "potentiality becoming actuality."
Galileo postulated that "motion" is the "ratio of space units to time units." -- what you would call "neat categories." In fact, the aristotelians of his day considered it a heresy, and criticized very severely that he was over-simplifying complex matters (such as potentiality)!!!! The Inquisition sentenced him to house arrest, with a threat of worse.]
I guess I'm lucky that you are not a member of The Inquisition ....not that I am anywhere near as smart as Galileo !!
My project, though, is to make a science out of one branch of Moral Philosophy - the one named Ethics. Moral Psychology is already a legitimate science: it deals with moral intuition, with feelings such as patriotism, awe, disgust; with stages of moral development in life; with the origins of altruism in human organisms; with how moral behavior is affected by various odors or fragrances, with ethical behavior, etc.
Philosophers of Ethical Science would still have plenty to do if my enterprise succeeds so philosophers need not worry that they will be put out of work. The way I see Ethics becoming a science is if it employs scientific methods. The project is already quite far along. Ignorance on the part of critics is no excuse. They have not read the required background reading, so they shoot from the lip. Then they aim afterward.
Who was it who said: "All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
I would add a fourth: Fourth, they claim that they thought of it first !