Our (Slovenian) best high schools were sporting notoriously difficult math courses in the eighties.
The math was so advanced that you could go first year of college on Faculty of Physics with just a modest investment in new math, most technical colleges almost without additional material(!), and ALL nontechnical colleges (including economy
Of course even the best students in high school didn't learn all of the material and the average student forgot most of it after 10 years.
The point is that this generation manipulates math in an unusually effortless way.
Now these days all goes towards 'careful to not hurt the child' approach, the grades disappearing from elementary schools and so on. Nobody wants to learn math anymore, and even some teachers dont think hard math should be really taught.
I believe the reason is commercial schools. Teachers are more and more looked at as a salespersons in a store, the 'service' they provide is measured against complaints from parents and the children themselves. And because math is hard, there is a tendency to 'make it easier for the child' thus make it a virtual lesson to no avail.
The evidence? Well, look at the results of schools in China, Russia, Bulgaria, Romania, ex Yugoslavia, and then look at the results of International Mathematics Olympiad. Eastern block all the way!