Thu 26 Feb, 2004 11:21 pm
I'm just curious what everyone thinks on the subject. Many people believe there is a life after this one. Who thinks there was a life BEFORE this one? I'm sure there should be a lot of different oppinions on that.
you know what i think....there is of course an after-life, but no before-life...
I think there is neither, and that we are fundamentally in that state now.
So before this life we didn't exist, neither will we after? I suppose there are innumerable ways to define existence. For example, concept exits even if it is not written down, and even if no one understands it. And you can say someone exists in the memory of others, or that they still exist because the things they did in life have not been UNDONE by their demise... it is not as if they never existed, and therefor they exist. But I don't want to get into stretches on the definition... however I suppose it to be inevitable.
this is why people sometimes 'define their terms' when they write an article or engage in debate...but i'm sure you knew that already....just helping out some of our younger viewers....
I don't need to define anything more than I did in my first post. Everyone here is perfectly capable of sharing their opinions, and that's all they've been asked to do.
If your mind is clear, your are with Pythagoras.
There are those who believe that life here.....began out there.
Far across the galaxy..with tribes of humans.....who may have been the forefathers of the Egyptians...or the Toltecs..or the Mayans......
It seems to me that intelligence would be subject to that same conservation as matter. Merely that if a presence, or consciousness exists which is capable of comprehension, then that presence has always and will always exist. I realize however that comparing that concept to a widely accepted theory does nothing to prove it.