Let me inject som projections for the Norse/Viking/Hunnic/Turkish relativities
Everything begins with the warrior Attila and his forefathers:
The chinese called the huns Xiongnu and the ruling family clan Chunwei (chun clan in chinese) , there was another clan in the Xiongnu called Wusun (meaning descendants of crow in chinese, WU is crow or raven & sun is grandchildren) and spelled as Asman.
The Wusun/Asman lost a battle and driven west and out of Xiongnu land. Later (in roman history) they became the WhiteHuns or Western huns.
Now Attila who was a real threat and also documented by roman historians talked about his clan and grandfathers he named some of them (from youngest to oldest)
- Octar (Oktar in turkish and Ottar in norse/swedish, later called Ottar Vendel by swedes. He has a hög/burialmount/tumulus in Sigtuna. The name still used in turkish.
- Charaton , havent read much about him but romans say that he ruled a kingdom by/behind a sea.
- Uldin , Allfather/Odun/Odin/Ouldin/Wodun/Träguden(WoodenGod) etc. A man with crows/cravens , black hair , a eight legged horse (well actually a steppehorse, nowadays called Przewalski horse) with 8 nails/hooves
- Balamber (Waldemar in swedish , Balamir in turkish)
In norse/swedish mythology the King/God Odin was a As (asar in swedish) from As-land (like in the name Az-er-baijan). In turkish As/Az/Öz means Origin (Ursprung in swedish).
The norse/swedish/viking gods said we are from As-gård

The turks says they are descendent from Ashena , a wolf female
So my friends this was a very short writing.
The romans romantized history , so did the Germans so the real history did survive throug person and place names. Like the names mentioned earlier Hakan/Håkan/Haakon and Erik/Ernakh/Ardarik etc.
When hungarian historians (a magyar people in the hunnic history) gets an awakening (their roman/catholic believing is to strong) and the russian archeologists take a brave stand the history will be more truthfull. The famous swedish historians/archeologists did see the connection like Hedin, Swedenborg, Lagerbring etc. Also did the sagas like Edda and Ynglinga.
Some last words about runic alphabet :
Turks did write in runic (before islam) , so did also Hungarians/Magyars (before christianity)
But the swedish/norse/viking/danish/norwegian/icelandic runic is the most famous.
Even the etruscs in northern Italy did write runic, the romans/latins cant read or write them.
Its late and im getting older , hope this has clearified som historic realitys.