Wed 11 Dec, 2002 02:05 pm
Just curious, have any patterns been detected in A2K use? Forum most used? M/F? Humous vs serious? ect.
Mapleleaf- If you go to "Forum Index", after each Forum, it lists the numbers of threads, and the total responses that they have recieved!
In the beginning god..
I mean in the beginning there is more humor because most everyone knows each other. As listings on search engines etc increase this will evolve.
Do we have any way of separating No. of views from No. of individual members, say 40 members have viewed 455 times?
It's possible but not all views are by members, many views will be from guests. And it would add an extra query to the database which would slow things down just a wee bit. So it's unlikely that I'd do that unless people think it's a must have.
No must have...I just like to play with numbers. An effective system, service and dependability are important now. When something works, it sometimes takes great disipline to avoid tinkering too much. Tinkering and over analyzing have gotten me into trouble's like being an alcoholic.
I just thought of a way this could be done without an extra database query, I don't have time to code it but maybe I can do this in the future. But it will be a very low priority as this site is less than 30% finished (I dream big) and I have bunches of features to implement.
I am now playing with what I call the REPLY %. You divide the NUMBER OF REPLIES by the TOTAL NUMBER OF VIEWS. For example:
*Dear Diary- 98/787 .......or 9.9 %
*Online dating...- 506/3845 ...or 13.2%
*Emily Dickinson- 33/213....... or 15.4%
*The neverending...4424/20719 or 21.4%
Some questions are raised:
*What kinds of threads maintain a 15+% rate over two weeks or more?
*What kinds of threads draw large numbers of viewers, but a low rate of replies?
*Other questions?
This is more academic than a request for more information, but as it stands now fifty replies could be fifty people responding or two people having a fifty posting conversation.
similarly, the view ratio doesn't tell us much, as we don't know who is viewing - the same member over and over, different forum members checking it out, or as Craven has told us in the case of the 'full frontal nudity thread' - hits from google.
what are you hoping to determine, Mapleleaf?
Just playing, looking for patterns that could suggest predictable behaviors. I was hoping folks would come by, such as you and flyboy, and educate me. All of this is my way of learning the system...what to expect and such.
Mapleleaf, Another q is, Who's responsible for the last entry in A2K forums - to kill it!

Just joking.... c.i.