Sorry to hear that. My father was a warrior, an educated professional one who'd seen enough war to hate practicing his profession. Archie Bunker was as far from his demeanor as possible, except for the cigar. He retired in 66 and became a high school biology teacher. He considered Viet Nam a bigger boondoggle than Korea. It was, in his opinion, a meat grinder created by politicians who had never had a bullet fired at them in anger and that war violated a basic precept of Darwin because it killed the fittest.
In 68 he was a Republican, but was never a fan of Nixon. As a Republican though he had a hard time supporting Humphrey. He worried about me and the draft because (as he said) "I became a warrior so my children wouldn't have to."
He died in 71 when I was 21, so we didn't have too long to appreciate each other as men, but in retrospect I have come to appreciate what he did, where he was and who he was.