Mon 16 Feb, 2004 07:52 pm
If the Jehovah's witnesses really believe that Jehovah is the unutterable word, how do they say it?
they mumble something that sounds like "what is 'ya way' out of here.
Oh. Thanks.
[size=8]for nothing![/size]
Yah'wh, actually means He whose name shall not be spaken. so theyre really keeping within their rules .
Huh. I thought they just pestered people at dinner time. *shrugs*
Speaking of Jehovah's, is their bible the same as the new testament?
jojoba, -snicker-
Nope, they've replaced many of the words with words of their choice, edited and changed to suit their interest. They don't believe Jesus is the man. They think really weird things about the cross and the arch angel micheal seems to be far more important than anyone/thing else.
Their founder, a guy named Charlie Russell, had, as a major tenet of his religion . Jesus was NOT God. So their Bible is what they call a New World Translation primarily rewording of the Old Testament and a lot of the prophecies of the New,
They are big time Armageddon believers , which is quite funny, since MEggedo was a major mustering center of the Romans just about the start of the CE , and the creation of the term ARmeggedon was by Apocalypse John , who was being held a house prisoner on an island off Cyprus. So The Jehovas dont believe in Jesus divinity but use all the trappings of the Apocalypse, which was used by John to stoke up his bretheren on the mainland.
So Charlie Russell, until his death , kept moving up the date of the end of the world. First it was 1914 then 1925 then 1930 , etc etc . Everytime the dates passed the jehovas gave some reason why their predictions crapped out.
They are strict non-interventionists who are separate from this world, so much so that they make the Amish look like Andy Warhol. They are particularly goofy in their beliefs, lots of inconsistencies and conflicting passages. But they are real fun. Ask one whether they find Darwin or Wallace more compelling, Ya wanna see heads explode.
Thanks Ceili,
I didn't think they were, but my bf and I were having a difference of opinion on it. He used to be Jehovah many years ago. He claimed that the Jehovah bible was the same as the new testament only difference was that "Jesus" is "michael".
144,000 reasons to always answer the door in the nude.
Prince is a Jehova's Witness.
2000 zero zero party over it's out of time.