@Fil Albuquerque,
Quote:Really, and how does that make my arguments any more easy or difficult ?
Simple...Whether you feel justified, or not...If you speak to someone, that way...Anyone with any dignity, or self respect...Is not going to give you the time of day...In response...Whether they should, or should not...The only way, it is different, if you you were to tell me, you are testing people, to see how they react, and if they have, a form, of bias, to their own beliefs, and are unwilling to challenge them...Since I do not believe, that this is what you were doing...No one, who you talk to, like that, is gonna take you serious, if they have dignity, and self-respect...And they shouldn't...If you talk to them, that way....Then, you do not even deserve, their time...and effort...So I did, reply to you, before....
Quote:The fact that I am under the impression that you might not understand me does not even present a case on your intellectual competence, as it may or it may not, as I managed already to explain you in my last post, so what ?
You're right! But it only means you "think" I am being more emotional, than rational...You did not explain anything...Other than what you thought was right, about me....But you still refuse to, ask me...And rather, tell me....That is why, I do not feel inclined, to play, this game....and answer you, seriously...If you are gonna act superior, and think it is justified, then when I call you out on it...You tell me, You could do it if you want...You are right...But any intelligent person...Is not even gonna waste their time...I am doing this, to be nice....Since I feel you were kinda, too me....
Quote:Do you think intellectual automatically means smart ? think again...
No, But that is what I thought you meant by saying it...I must have been reading too fast, and made a mistake....
Quote:Check a dictionary !
Sorry, I looked it up, before...I guess...I got the wrong word...It said something about relating to mentally sick people...I now see, it means the art of teaching...
So are you saying, that you can't refuse, the art of teaching to me? You have not taught me anything...In fact, with the way you have approached me...4 times now...Like I said before...And said above...Will only jade anyone, with any dignity, away from you...Whether you are right, and they are wrong...Or whether they are right, and you are wrong...It does not matter....The only way, it would work...Is if, you were testing someone...So honestly, were you doing that?
Quote:I am absolutely certain I answer your initial question quite well...
You did...but none of the others...
Quote:still waiting for your reply to my answer...
Here it comes!
Quote:where is your counter ?
God always was...Is, and will be....If real...He never had to create himself...Or be created...Nor is he circumstantial...No one could possible know, where he came from...And if he created himself...Or if he did not...Or if he is a circumstantial being...Or not...That is my answer....To say what you think...Is a guess at best...For which, there is no evidence for...And never will be...Till we die, and meet him...Or it will never be found....
Quote:I presented my vision of a counter regarding God being a circumstantial being which you didn't like, so what's the logical alternative you have in mind ? That God create itself ? No ? So what ? Is it circumstantial after all ? well ? Again I really think you wont answer anything intelligible (counts 4 now ) prove me wrong !
If you mean incidental, by circumstantial...The fact that good, and bad both balance of the limb of him...in order for things to co-exist...He is in no way circumstantial....If you mean dependent on circumstances....Again, if he is both Good, and evil...And things balance upon him....Then he clearly does not just show up, or come around...When we need him, to be....And he again, is not limited...We would need him, in order for things to be in balance, all the time....If you mean full of ceremonial display...Again, having both Good and bad balance upon him....Is in no way just for decorations....If you mean, complete, particular...Full of detail...
I would say that I agree....But not, if it is, both a God of Good, and bad.....
That would only work, with a God who always was...And is all the omnis...Whether, we "think" he is evil or wrong, or not....He must have a just reason...It is clearly, our own thinking, which justifies...What would be rational, circumstantial, good and bad, omnis, etc...Or else there is no such God....So, I reject your idea, of a 50/50 balance of good and bad....God...He
MUST be pure....
And I am not about "proving" anyone wrong...I am here to learn, and teach...I could care less, about what I could prove to someone...I am a man, of leaps of faith, into the unknown...But known enough, to know it is there...I am not focused, on Earthly things...But Godly things....
Is this answer good enough for you...Now that I took you serious, since you took me serious?