Another of the "Theories" posed by these electric universe guys is kinda funny. Gunga is chattering that clear evidence of the ages of the Patagonian massif and the Sahara should be ignored in favor of the blatherings of these loons.
Heres another one in which they rave on about the formation of speciific cliffs of the world . They start with the Trango tower and especially Trango Monk (a tower cliff of solid granite that lies in the western edge of the himalayan uplift).
Quote: Electric Universe theorists postulate that between 5000 and 10,000 years ago (perhaps sooner), the Earth and its sister planets were engulfed in a catastrophic interplay of celestial forces that have not been seen since. Clouds of electrified plasma and electric arcs described by the ancients as "thunderbolts of the gods" dissected the continental geography, creating what traditional theories say are ages-old structures in an instant of time.
Sky-high tornadoes of fire writhed across the face of the Earth, excavating canyons, ocean basins, and river valleys. Lakes like inland oceans were vaporized along with their attendant flora and fauna, leaving nothing but scorched and naked stone behind. Those plasma vortices formed intense electrodynamic fields that compressed and lifted material out of the surrounding region. The resulting "fulgamites" are mistaken for intrusions when they are actually extrusions. The Brandberg Massif, Shiprock, New Mexico, and Uluru were given as examples of that phenomenon in past Picture of the Day articles
This guy needs to go take a field trip or two. At each site one can find evidence that counters the "electric arc" stories they are tring to pitch on the gullible.
Trango Monk is a true cliff that has been caused by uplift, piedmont glacial erosion and that is coupled with the fact that the "Tor" is made of solid granite, (a rock that really can hold a cliffslope). Think of El Capitan in the Yosemite Valley. Thats another cliff made of granite and the evidence is clear that it was caused by glaciation in the late Pleistocene. The uplifted rocks (part of the Sierra, are indicators of uplift related to Mid Tertiary subduction of california)