Quote: The evolosers with the 100+ answers to Hovind and other creationists don't even bother to try as you do to claim that dinosaur soft tissue is 65M years old, presumably because they understand how ridiculous that sounds, hence they stick with the contamination argument which,
No you are once again full of ****. A separate set of geochemists stated that they failed to see any mechanism for soft tissue preservation at those measured ages(The rock matrix and the skeletal fossil had been dated by U/Zr and K/A/A methods and had gotten a continuous approximate date of 65 my. The team of Sawlovicz and KAye had taken separate specimen subsets of the Trex AND several other fossils that were preserved similarly and had been partially exposed . The fact was that they achieved separating some Carbonaceous material that contained C14 (THIS MATERIAL WAS COATED ON THE ROCK MATRIX AS OPPOSED TO BEING PART OF THE FOSSILS STRUCTURE). They showed that, by using C14, the dates between matriix "soft tissue" and the fossil and bulk matrix rock itself were wildly different. THEN they scanned the specimens with an SEM (Scanning ELectron Microscope) and saw the structures that looked just like oxidized pyrite "framboidal" structures.
Their argument is a lot more convincing that the Creationists who DO NOTHING to underpin their wild accusations. Hovind was just talking out hios ass. If he feels that the data is in error , he should get involved in doing sopme investigations (if he can find a "scientist" capable of understanding what the hell just happened)
PS, now your not reading either. I just presented a statement that said that the "Soft tissue" was found NOT to be 65 myo. "Multiple hypotheses" is a manner of analysis that scientists use. We dont make up our mind (as you had done) at the drop of one sample. Even Aweitzer didnt report initial data as "done science".As you see, there is a wide disagreement as to the meaning of the samples and Switzer seems to feel its actual soft tissue (and means that we have to look at a new means of fossilization )OR its not soft tissue at all.
YOU are the one who quickly jumped to a stupid conclusion that "If it were soft tissue" therefor the dinosaur was of a younger age (No means to even prove that by any Creationist). IF , by your thinking, the dinosaur was of a younger age, THIS PROVES THAT THE WORLD IS VERY YOUNG
Youve just made a leap of faith (in its critical meaning of the phrase). You havent taken part in , or waited for the data to even be assured before you jumoped into a full frontal Creationist SPiehl. (Then you claim that your NOT a Creationist).
As I said before, if C14 is data you wish to accept, and K/A/A data you dont wish to accept , you have a problem bud. I will wait here till your head explodes because youre caught in a dilemma of your own creation. SO Ill wait till you address that.
Quote: Uniformitarianism means that no large changes have ever occurred in our solar system or on our own planet and certainly not within the past 50,000 years or thereabouts. All of the so-called "scientific" dating schemes depend upon this axiomatic belief in one way or another. Radio-Carbon dating might be the simplest case, depending as it does on the idea that the ratios of carbon isotopes in the atmosphere have always been what they are now. Interject something like the flood at the time of Noah and there's no way to even guess what that ratio might have been prior to the event.
Uniformitarianism is what I said it is up above. We dont pray at its feet becasuse when it was coined as a term, noone even knew about most of the earth mechanisms. HOWEVER, processes like mountain building, glacial sediment records, sand dune sediments and river deposition and specific mineral mixes are all analyzed in light of present day examples. We have explained the island arc igneous rocks of the Atlantic piedmont in light of what we see in the "hot spot" peridotite volcanics of the HAwaiian Island arc. We know the mineral mixes found in foredeep sediments and metamorphic complexes based upon what we see in earths examples of where these mechanisms are ongoing today.
We FIND OIL based upon sediment traps and inland bay structures like we see in present day sediment areas. WE DONT FIND OIL IN NON LIVING BASINS> LARGE COMMERCIAL DEPOSITS OF OIL ALWAYS GFO ALONG WITH CERTAIN KINDS OF DIATOMS DEPOSITS. We can see the present day examples of same and go backwat=rds.
See gunga, I do this for a living and Im only interesetd in making sure that you dont try to continue your bullshit statements and have people believe that you know of what you speak. You re apparently not only ignorant of facts, but your ineducable too. Ive gone over this same **** with you in years gone by and you still insist on speaking out of your ass.
Theres also so much that you have o idea about in radichemistry that I dont think its worth discussing with you. Youll just continue on your ignorant way and Ill have wasted an afternoon and get all pissed off at how our education system has fucked up royally in your case.
I havent made any pronouncements about the T rex "soft tissue" other than to report work that others have done. Its rarely a situation occuring that has the full facts understood within a few years of a major discovery. Such is the one with this. However, in any case, theres no underpinning that Creationism can claim other than the assertion that "soft tissue" if real, only means that the earth is young. If this is the case, why havent any real scientists jumoped on it. Where are your genius Creationist scientists??
WHere, there are really very few of them cause most of those claiming to be even science literate, are mostly ministers of some Fundamentalist persuasion. Id like to really see some real scientific rebuttal. It would at least be worth something to look at woprk done by someone whose got some training and understanding of the assertion.
Quote: Likewise the planet next to us (Venus) spins retrograde and exhibits a phase lock with Earth i.e. shows us the same face at nearest approaches. Bob Bass once described that as meaning that if Velikovsky had never existed we'd have to invent him i.e. that the retrograde spin cannot be primordial and must have arisen via interaction with another body and the phase lock indicates that the other body in question was our own planet. Hovind notes that there are six or seven other cases of retrograde spin in our system, indicating further grief in past ages.
If all of that doesn't do enough damage to the claim of uniformity, there is the question of recent Mars images and whatever left Mars uninhabited. NASA and ESA have both been doctoring images which their charters require them to publish i.e. they've been adjusting brightness and contrast and color hues to make images which show tall buildings and city infrastructure look like deserts and I've gone through the exercise of downloading a couple of those images from ESA sites and using gimp to restore them to prove to myself that the people making these claims aren't crazy.
As I implied before, Im a geologist and recovering chemist so Ill have to make a phone call about this to anyone who gives a ****. It isnt o the same page of discussion because its an attaempt at ablation by conflation. Im gonna keep nailing you on te errors of your understanding of how Uniformitarianism is applied in the 21st century. You are stuck in the 19th with your understanding of the term. You are using it as it was coined by Whewell in 1831. Were coming up on the 200th anniversary of that coined term and Id like to be the first to let you know that, like "Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny" science has moved on a lot. Even Darwin, a close friend of Lyell said himself in "Voyages of the Beagle".
I am paraphrasing somewahat but -that "He(Darwin) found no parallel functional means to express such geological horizons in the pampas as would be explained by Dr Lyell"