No, it does address your point.
I don't know where you live, but I've lived in half a dozen places in the U.S. and I have Never, with a capital N heard it said anywhere that the U.S. has shed it's ugly past as regards to its race issues.
No country is without race issues.
However, really, I mean really stupid comments like the OP's are ususally made by people who don't function well in society anyway.
They are the people most of us tend to avoid, because they are so stupid.
I'm sure even educated, sophisticated (as in they know how to set their comments out there without raising alarm as quickly) inwardly cringe when they hear crappola like this.
One can never shed it's ugly past, because the past has already happened.
Personally, I can't speak to any race issues that happened before my grandparents all moved to the U.S. within the last 90 years, ugly or otherwise.
I'm not going to argue with you, but I've never heard that the word has been spread throughout the world that the U.S. has no race issues.
We have a bunch of stupid people here too.